Page 130 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 130


    ENGLISH  11.  While  organising  the  event,  they  ----  a  platform  for   16.  Students ---- incredible success as long as they ----
                                                             their  education  with  dedication  to  learn  from  both
            people with disabilities because now they ---- upstairs
            to the hall.
                                                             successes and failures.
            A) could have built / must not climb
            B) should have built / are not able to climb     A) should achieve / went on
                                                             B) can achieve / go on
            C) would have built / cannot climb               C) have to achieve / will go on
            D) must have built / should not climb            D) used to achieve / have gone on
            E) had to build / do not have to climb           E) need to achieve / had gone on

        12.  The teacher let the students ---- their topics for the   17.  As expected, the experiment was challenging; ----, it
            assignment  about  their  interests  and  had  them  ----   required  months  of  careful  planning  and  extensive
            their findings to the class.                     data collection to have meaningful results.

            A) choose / present                              A) however
            B) to choose / presenting                        B) conversely
            C) chose / to be presented                       C) indeed
            D) choosing / to present                         D) otherwise
            E) chosen / presented                            E) instead

        13.  Providing  the  American  colonies  ----  independence   18.  The  human  brain  is  very  complex  and  capable,  ----
            from Britain, the democracy ---- in unexpected ways   it  actually  consumes  a  relatively  small  amount  of
            throughout history.                              energy compared to how much it works.
            A) did not claim / might have developed          A) as
            B) have not claimed / would develop              B) for
            C) will not claim / develops                     C) and
            D) had not claimed / could have developed        D) so
            E) are not claiming / should develop             E) but

        14.  The  effectiveness  of  therapy  and  patients’  overall   19.  ---- its cultural diversity, Gaziantep offers a wide range
            health ---- unless they ---- their medicine plan.  of culinary experiences that reflect local richness.

            A) must be damaged / stuck to                    A) Despite
            B) can be damaged / would stick to               B) In case of
            C) may be damaged / stick to                     C) Unlike
            D) should have been damaged / had stuck to       D) Thanks to
            E) would rather have been damaged / have stuck to  E) Instead of

        15.  The  employee  wishes  her  team  ----  more  specific   20.  ----  humanity  has  developed  telescopes  and  space
            instructions in advance; that way, the project results   shuttles, we can observe other planets and moons in
            ---- significantly.                              our solar system more closely.
            A) provides / must be improved                   A) Even if
            B) has provided / needed to be improved          B) Now that
            C) provided / could have been improved           C) While
            D) had provided / would have been improved       D) Unless
            E) will provide / ought to be improved           E) Though

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