Page 135 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 135


        3. Gerunds as the Object of a Preposition
        Bir ilgecin nesnesi olarak (as the object of a preposition)

            Bazı fiil, sıfat ve isimlerden sonra bir ilgeç kullanırız. Tüm ilgeçlerden sonra “gerund’’ kullanılır.           Video 7.3
                                            Verb + Preposition + Gerund
                abstain from            comment on               forget about             refer to
                 adjust to             complain about             insist on              succeed in
               apologise for             consist of            look forward to          specialise in
                approve of               deal with                object to            talk about / of
                 believe in           depend on / upon          participate in         think about / of
                care about            dream about / of            plan on               worry about
             My parents are looking forward to celebrating their anniversary this weekend.
             The team leader succeeded in persuading the board of directors to approve the project.

                                          Verb + Object + Preposition + Gerund
                        accuse sb of              congratulate sb on             keep sb from
                      apologise to sb for           deter sb from               prevent sb from
                         arrest sb for             devote oneself to             punish sb for
                        blame sb for              discourage sb from             stop sb from
                        charge sb with               forgive sb for              suspect sb of
                     complain to sb about            involve sb in           warn sb about / against
             Strict regulations are in effect to prevent companies from polluting the environment.
             The teacher blamed the student for disrupting the class.

                                           Gerunds Used after the Preposition ‘to’
                                          due to                           object to
                                         owing to                          commit to
                                       in addition to                     dedicate to
                                   be used / accustomed to                 devote to
                                       be opposed to                        refer to
                                       look forward to                     resort to
                                 prefer doing sth to doing sth             oppose to

             At first, Jane had a culture shock, but she is used to living in a foreign country now.
             The environmental activists are opposed to building the new factory near the river.

                                          Adjective + Preposition + Gerund
                   accustomed to                      essential to                     proud of
                      afraid of                      excited about                     quick at
                      angry at                        exposed to                    responsible for
                   appropriate for               (in)famous / notorious for           similar to
                    ashamed of                        fed up with                   sorry about / for
                      aware of                        good / bad at                  surprised at
                     bored with                     happy about / of                  suitable for
                     capable of                       interested in                 sure of / about
                  concerned about                      jealous of                     terrified of
                    delighted at                        keen on                        tired of
                disappointed about / at               opposed to                     worried about

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