Page 134 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 134


    ENGLISH  GERUNDS                                                                              Video 7.1

        1. Gerunds as the Subject and Subject Complement

            “Gerund” bir fiilin köküne “-ing” getirilerek oluşturulan bir fiilimsidir.
             Running is a great exercise to maintain our health.
             The most exciting part of the trip was exploring ancient ruins.

        A. Özne olarak (as the subject of a sentence)
            “Gerund’’ cümlenin öznesi olarak kullanılabilir.

             Learning a new language can be challenging but rewarding.
            “Gerund” isim görevi görür. Bu nedenle iyelik sıfatlarıyla birlikte kullanılabilir.
             Her being honest is one of Sarah’s most admirable qualities.
             The coach is proud of the team’s winning the championship.

            “Gerund” özne görevi gördüğünde cümlenin fiili tekil özneye göre çekimlenmelidir. Ancak “and’’ ile bağlanan
           birden fazla “gerund” varsa fiil çoğul özneye göre çekimlenmelidir.
             Meditating is considered to be a highly effective and beneficial method for reducing stress.
             Listening and speaking are equally important aspects of effective communication.

        B. Öznenin tamamlayıcısı olarak (as subject complement)

            “Subject complement’’, “be” fiili ile özneyi tamamlamak için kullanılır. Sadece bir sözcükten ya da birden
           fazla sözcüğün oluşturduğu bir sözcük grubundan oluşabilir.
             One of the key elements in the company’s success is building strong relationships.
             Our primary objectives are improving customer satisfaction and increasing operational efficiency.

        2. Gerunds as the Object of a Verb

        “Gerund’’ bir fiilin nesnesi olarak kullanılabilir.
        Kendisinden sonra “Gerund” gelmesi gereken belli başlı fiiller şunlardır:                                                                  Video 7.2

                                          Some Verbs Followed by a Gerund
                 admit (to)               discuss                 include                   quit

                 anticipate               dislike                 involve               recommend
                appreciate                 enjoy                   justify                 report
                  avoid                   endure                   keep                   resent

                 complete                  fancy                  mention                  resist

                 consider                  finish                  mind                     risk
                  delay                    hate                  postpone                 suggest
                  deny                    imagine                 practise                tolerate

             I suggested cooking at home instead of going out for dinner, as it is healthier.
             The team decided to postpone playing the game because of the player’s injury.

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