Page 139 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 139


             I prefer to read a book for an hour before sleeping. (Uyumadan önce bir saat kitap okumayı tercih ederim.)
              I prefer my son to read a book for an hour before sleeping. (Oğlumun uyumadan önce bir saat kitap okumasını tercih ederim.)
             My teacher wants to finish the report by Friday.
             My teacher wants Michael to finish the report by Friday.

        3. Infinitives after Nouns and Adjectives

            Bazı sıfatlardan sonra “infinitive” kullanabiliriz.                                                                                             Video 7.8
                                      Some Adjectives Followed by ‘to Infinitive’
                      afraid                        determined                      motivated
                     amazed                        disappointed                      pleased
                     anxious                          eager                           proud
                     ashamed                         fortunate                        ready
                      bound                           happy                          relieved
                      careful                        hesitant                          sad
              (be / appear / look) certain            likely                          sorry
                     delighted                        lucky                         surprised

             Max is lucky to have a supportive family.
             John was hesitant to try the exotic fruit on the menu.
            Bazı isimlerden sonra infinitive kullanabiliriz.
                                        Some Nouns Followed by ‘to Infinitive’
                     (in)ability                      effort                         request
                     attempt                          failure                         right
                     chance                           offer                          scheme
                     decision                       opportunity                     suggestion
                     demand                         permission                      tendency
                      desire                         proposal                         wish
                      dream                          refusal                          way

             Mr Johnson’s refusal to sign the contract led to a delay in the project.
             My suggestion to take a short break during the meeting was well received by the team.
        4. Infinitives after Question Words

                                      Question Words Followed by ‘to Infinitive’
                                                                                                  Video 7.9
                                           how                   where
                                           what                   who

                                           when                  whom

             Marianna needs to decide where to place the new furniture in the living room.
             The teacher explained how to solve the maths problem step by step.
           * Soru sözcükleri ve “whether” ile oluşturulan “noun clause” yapılarını “infinitive” kullanarak kısaltırız. Bu kullanım için
            ana cümlenin öznesi ile “infinitive” yapısındaki öznenin aynı olması gerekir.
            The team debated whether they would continue the project, which promised high benefits but also contained significant risks.
             The team debated whether to continue the project, which promised high benefits but also contained significant risks.

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