Page 143 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 143



        1. Gerunds and Infinitives after Some Verbs with a Change in Meaning
                                                                                                 Video 7.13
            Bazı fiiller, “gerund” ya da “infinitive” ile kullanıldığında anlam farkı oluşturur.
                            Verbs Followed by Gerund or Infinitive with a Change in Meaning
         Verbs                        Gerund                                  To Infinitive

                    Genel bir korku                            Belli bir durumda yaşanan korku
         be afraid  Many people are afraid of speaking in front of large  The students seemed to be afraid to ask
                    crowds, as they worry about being judged by the   questions during the lecture, but the professor
                    audience.                                  encouraged active participation.
                    Birşey yapmaktan dolayı üzüntü duymak / özür   Gerçekleşmiş bir durumu duymaktan ya da
                    dilemek                                    söylemekten üzüntü duymak
         be sorry
                    Employees were sorry for missing the project   As the team leader, I am sorry to inform you that
                    deadline and therefore apologised to their manager. your proposal has not been approved.
                    Gerçekleşmiş bir olayı unutmak             Yapılması gereken bir işi unutmak
         forget     I will never forget watching the sunset together on   The couple started cooking and then noticed they
                    that beautiful evening at the beach.       had forgotten to buy the main ingredient.
                    Bir işi yapmaya devam etmek                Başka bir işi yapmaya başlamak
                                                               Once they have finished their data analysis, the
         go on      We cannot go on ignoring climate change because
                    it will eventually have negative effects on our planet.  participants will go on to present their research
                    Anlamına gelmek                            Niyetinde olmak
         mean       Having a busy schedule like hers means planning   Even if the cook does not mean to overpower the
                    every minute of the day.                   flavours, excessive spice use might do so.
                    Önermek                                    Niyetinde olmak
         propose    My friends proposed having a picnic in the park   Where does the city council propose to build the
                    today, but I think it might rain.          new community centre?
                    Pişman olmak                               Bir şeyden dolayı üzgün olmak
         regret     We did not regret starting our own business, even   I regret to say that the museum will be closed for
                    though it was challenging at first.        repairs during your visit next week.
                    Gerçekleşmiş bir olayı hatırlamak          Yapılması gereken bir işi hatırlamak
         remember   Loreen remembers travelling to the mountains   Employees should remember to submit their
                    every summer during her childhood.         monthly reports to the manager.
                                                               Yapmakta olduğumuz işe başka bir işi yapmak için
                    Bir işi tamamen ya da bir süreliğine bırakmak
                                                               ara vermek
                    You need to stop worrying about things that are   On our journey to the beach, we stopped to buy
                    beyond your control.                       some sunscreen and snacks.
                    İşe yarayıp yaramayacağını görmek için denemek  Bir şey yapmaya çalışmak, çabalamak
         try        To fix a dripping tap, you can try tightening the   Parents often try to teach their kids good manners
                    pipe connections.                          and values from an early age.

             People often remember learning to ride a bike as a significant milestone in their childhood.
             Before heading on a road trip, remember to check if your car has enough fuel.
             Riding a motorcycle means being cautious to reduce the risk of accidents.
             No one meant to hurt anyone’s feelings, but the comment was seen as insensitive and thoughtless.

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