Page 125 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 125
6. People in tornado-prone regions should have a plan
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
in place ---- they should be caught off guard by this
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. powerful natural phenomenon.
1. The forest provides a habitat for countless species; ----, A) although
deforestation continues to threaten their existence and B) lest
harm the ecosystem.
C) because
A) as a result
D) while
B) similarly
E) unless
C) however
D) instead
E) in other words
2. ---- busy schedules, it has become increasingly 7. ---- cognitive development during early childhood
difficult for people to find time for leisure activities significantly affects later academic success,
and enjoy their hobbies. researchers have focused on this period.
A) Owing to A) When
B) Besides B) In the event that
C) Unlike C) For
D) Such as D) Seeing that
E) Despite E) Much as
3. Cycling offers an excellent cardiovascular workout, 8. National athlete Şahika Ercümen could break the
---- swimming strengthens various muscle groups Turkish record with a 100-metre dive ---- her two
and enhances flexibility. years of intense training.
A) so A) with a view to
B) though B) as a consequence of
C) as C) regardless of
D) whereas D) apart from
E) in case E) instead of
4. India had ---- gained its independence from British 9. There is no international standard for sign language;
rule ---- it embarked on a journey of nation-building ----, learning the local one is necessary for efficient
and development. interaction with deaf people.
A) either / or A) for instance
B) whether / or B) therefore
C) no sooner / than C) similarly
D) neither / nor D) even so
E) both / and E) moreover
5. Bicycles are an eco-friendly and efficient mode of 10. The wind turbine system was designed ---- increasing
transportation; ----, dedicated bike lanes are lacking energy efficiency and minimising the negative impact
in many cities. of power production on the environment.
A) for example A) as a result of
B) that is B) along with
C) additionally C) with the aim of
D) hence D) for fear of
E) even so E) in contrast with