Page 159 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 159


        3. Relative Pronoun as Subject and Object (who - whom - which - that)
            Tanımlamayı amaçladığımız isim, sıfat cümleciğinin öznesi veya nesnesi durumunda kullanılabilir. Bu
           durumda insanlar için özne olarak “who” veya “that”, nesne olarak “whom” veya “that”; cansız varlıklar,
                                                                                                  Video 8.3
           soyut kavramlar ve hayvanlar için ise hem özne hem de nesne olarak “which” veya “that” kullanılabilir.
             The woman who / that won the Nobel Prize is a famous scientist.

             The students visited the museum which / that  they had seen on TV.
                                                                                                  Video 8.4
            Unutmamalıyız ki “who”, “whom” ve “which” hem “defining” hem de “non-defining relative clause” yapılarında
           kullanılabilir. Ancak, “that” sadece “defining relative .... clause” yapılarında kullanılabilir.

             Sarah, who / that just moved to our neighbourhood, is hosting a welcome party next week.
             My best friend gifted me this painting, which / that she purchased from a renowned art gallery.
              Tanımlamak istediğimiz isim, “relative clause” yapısının nesnesi durumunda ise herhangi bir “relative pronoun”
               (who, whom, which, that) kullanmadan da aynı anlamı verebiliriz. Yani “relative pronoun”, özne ve fiil ile devam
              ediyorsa “relative pronoun”u cümleden atabiliriz.

             What are your thoughts on the traditions which Native Americans have preserved for centuries?
             What are your thoughts on the traditions that Native Americans have preserved for centuries?
             What are your thoughts on the traditions Ø Native Americans have preserved for centuries?
            “Every(thing)”,  “some(thing)”,  “no(thing)”,  “all”,  “little”  ve  “none”  gibi  ifadeler  cümlede  özne  konumunda
           “relative pronoun” olarak “that” kullanılır ancak nesne konumunda ise “that” ya da “Ø” kullanılabilir.
             There is nothing that can be done to change the company’s financial situation.

             The new intern will do anything (that) her supervisor assigns her.
            Superlative yapılar tanımlayıcı cümlede (relative clause) özne konumunda ise “that” kullanılır ancak nesne
           konumunda ise “that” ya da “Ø” kullanılabilir.

             That is the longest cinema queue that has ever been recorded since Titanic.
             That is the fastest car (that) I have ever driven so far.
        4. Relative Pronoun as the Object of a Preposition (which - who - whom - that)

            Ana cümlede tanımlanan isim, ardından gelen “relative clause” yapısında nesne durumunda ise
           ve cümlenin fiili bir ilgeç (preposition) ile beraber kullanılmışsa ilgeç cümledeki yerinde bırakılarak
           relative pronoun “who”, “whom”, “which” ve “that” kullanılabilir.                      Video 8.5
             The car is very expensive. I am interested in the car.
             The car which / that / Ø I am interested in is very expensive.
             My cousin is a highly intelligent person. I listen to him carefully whenever he talks.
             My cousin who / whom / that / Ø I listen to carefully whenever he talks is a highly intelligent person.
              Sıfat cümlesi “non-defining” yapıda ise ilgecin nesnesi durumundaki “relative pronoun” cümleden atılamaz
              ve “that” kullanılamaz.

             Ms Smith is an awful neighbour. I have complained about her many times.
             Ms Smith, whom / who / that I have complained about many times, is an awful neighbour.
              “Relative clause” cümlesindeki ilgeç, istenildiğinde “relative pronoun”un önünde de kullanılabilir. Ancak,
               bu durumda “relative pronoun” cümleden atılamaz. İlgeç, “pronoun”un önüne getirildiğinde “that” ya da “who”
              kullanılamaz. Bu durumlarda sadece “whom” veya “which” kullanılmalıdır.
             I found the lost kid who / whom / that / Ø all the local people had been searching for around the village.
              I found the lost kid for whom all the local people had been searching around the village.
             The shopping mall which / that / Ø we went around yesterday used to be a park 20 years ago.
              The shopping mall around which we went yesterday used to be a park 20 years ago.

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