Page 163 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 163
relative pronoun + be + noun / noun phrase
İzmir, which is one of the best cities in Türkiye, consists of thirty districts.
İzmir, one of the best cities in Türkiye, consists of thirty districts.
relative pronoun + be + prepositional phrase
My grandmother’s house which is by the river has a beautiful view along with an evergreen forest.
My grandmother’s house, by the river, has a beautiful view along with an evergreen forest.
Nitelenen ismin “be” fiili ya da yardımcı fiil ile devam etmediği durumlarda ise eğer cümle “present” ya da
“past tense” yapılarından birisi ile oluşturulmuş ise ve etken yapıda ise “relative pronoun” cümleden atılır ve
cümlenin yüklemine “-ing” (present participle) eklenir .
Guests who visit the place for the first time find it very impressive and majestic.
Guests visiting the place for the first time find it very impressive and majestic.
Our instructor who speaks English fluently lives in a village across the road.
Our instructor, speaking English fluently, lives in a village across the road.
Ana cümle ile “relative clause” cümlesinin yüklemleri arasında zaman farkı olduğunda ise “perfect participle”
yapıları kullanılır. Bu durumda eğer “relative clause” yüklemi etken ise “having V ”, edilgen ise “having been
V ” yapıları ile kısaltmalar yapılabilir.
The employee who rejected the first proposal will be offered a new contract tomorrow.
(Bu cümlede “relative clause” etken bir “past simple” cümlesi iken “main clause”, “future tense” cümlesidir. Bu sebeple
“reduction” yapılırken “having V ” yapısı kullanılarak cümleler arası zaman farkı vurgulanabilir.)
The employee having rejected the first proposal will be offered a new contract tomorrow.
The students who had their make-up exams last Monday can learn their exam results tomorrow.
The students having had their make-up exams last Monday can learn their exam results tomorrow.
The patients who were discharged from the hospital yesterday must come for their controls next Friday.
(Bu cümlede ise “relative clause” edilgen bir “past simple” cümlesi iken ana cümle “present modal” ile oluşturulmuştur. Bu
sebeple kısaltma yapılırken “having been V ” yapısı kullanılarak cümleler arası zaman farkı vurgulanabilir.)
The patients having been discharged from the hospital yesterday must come for their controls next Friday.
The author who was given the Nobel Prize in literature writes mostly about human rights.
The author having been given the Nobel Prize in literature writes mostly about human rights.
Bazı farklı durumlarda “to infinitive” yapısı ile de kısaltma yapılabilir. Etken cümlelerde “to infinitive” yapısı
kullanırken edilgen cümlelerde “to be V ” yapısı kullanılmalıdır. Şimdi bu yapıları teker teker inceleyelim:
Rita was the shortest basketball player who scored more than 40 points in a match.
Rita was the shortest basketball player to score more than 40 points in a match.
Alice has the hardest task which must be done in complete secrecy.
Alice has the hardest task to be done in complete secrecy.