Page 16 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 16


    ENGLISH  Others

            “Others”, çoğul isimlerin yerine sadece zamir olarak kullanılır ve kendisinden sonra isim almaz.
               Some species tend to live in groups or social structures, whereas others are more solitary and prefer to live alone.

        The other
            “The other”, zamir olarak kullanıldığı zaman tekil bir nesnenin ya da kişinin yerini tutar. “Diğeri” anlamını verir.
             Sıfat olarak kullanıldığında ise kendisinden sonra tekil ya da çoğul isim alabilir ve “geriye kalan, diğer” anlamı verir.
               In ancient Egypt, there were two main kingdoms: one was Upper Egypt, and the other was Lower Egypt.

               All of the books on the shelf were neatly arranged by genre, yet the other books were scattered across the floor.

        The others
            Zamir olarak kullanılır, ardından isim gelmez. “Geriye kalanlar, diğerleri” anlamını verir.
               Just a few students in the hall struggled to follow the lecture; the others were fully engaged and attentive.

        Each other / One another
            “Each other” ve “one another” “birbirine, birbirlerine” anlamı verir. “Each other”, genellikle iki kişi arasında
             gerçekleşen bir durumu anlatırken, “one another” ise daha büyük bir gruptaki bireyler arasında gerçekleşen bir
             durumu ifade eder.
               Couples should have open communication with each other to build strong relationships and a sense of trust.
               Kids tried to shift the responsibility for their broken toy onto one another, each pointing fingers and making excuses.

        Every other
             “İki günde, haftada, ayda, yılda bir, vb.” anlamına gelir.

               Biennales, where artists from around the world showcase their work, are organised every other year.

        One after another / One after the other
            Bu ifadeler, “sırayla, birbirinin peşi sıra, arka arkaya” anlamını verirler.
               In synchronised swimming, multiple swimmers jump into a pool one after the other, and it creates an awesome

        E. Impersonal Pronoun (One)
        One, Ones

            İnsanlardan genel anlamda bahsedilirken “one” tekil olarak kullanılır.
               One should always be aware of the importance of taking care of his or her physical and mental health.
            “One” sayılabilir tekil ismin, “ones” çoğul ismin yerine kullanılır.
               There are several dogs at the shelter. Would you like to adopt one? (a dog)

               I bought four bouquets of roses, but these ones are starting to wilt. (roses)
            İşaret sıfatları ve belgisiz sıfatlardan sonra kullanılır.
               Of all the parks in the region, the ones near the coastline are definitely the most scenic.

               I just tried the new restaurant in town, and this one has the most delicious pizza I have ever tasted.
            Bu zamirler “relative clause” yapısıyla kullanılır.
               I finally found the book I was looking for—the one which contains all the answers to my questions.

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