Page 55 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 55


            “Must”  ve  “must  not”  yapıları  zorunluluk  ve  yasak  bildirir.  Gerekliliğin  olmadığı  durumlarda  “must  not”
               You must not park in the reserved spots; they are for customers only.
            Geçmişte zorunluluğun olmadığı durumlardan bahsedilirken “didn’t have to” veya “didn’t need to” kullanılır.
             Eylemin gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğine dair ipucu cümlenin devamında ya da bulunduğu paragrafta belirtilir.
               Carl did not have to try to finish the project all night, as the deadline is next week.
               Nick did not need to pay for the concert tickets because he won them in a radio contest.
        9. Modals Used for Prohibition

           Mustn’t / Can’t / Be Not Allowed To
            Bu yapılar bir şeyi yapmanın yasak olduğu ifade edilirken kullanır.                 Video 3.10

               Employees must not share confidential company information with outsiders.
               You cannot enter the restricted area without proper authorisation.
               Visitors are not allowed to take photographs inside the museum.
        10. Modals Used for Habitual Past

        Used To / Would
                                                                                                 Video 3.11
                   Affirmative                      Negative                       Interrogative
          People used to consume natural and   People did not use to consume   Did people use to consume natural and
               organic food in the past.  genetically modified foods in the past.  organic food in the past?
          People would consume natural and   People would not consume natural   Would people consume natural and
               organic food in the past.     and organic food in the past.    organic food in the past?

            Geçmişteki  alışkanlıklar  ifade  edilirken  “used  to”  ve  “would”  kullanılır.  Eylem  bildiren  fiillerle  her  ikisi  de
             kullanılırken, durum bildiren fiiller (stative verb) ile sadece “used to” kullanılır.
               When I was a child, my family and I used to / would live in a comfortable cottage surrounded by magnificent trees.
               Before the age of digital photography, photographers used to / would develop their films in darkrooms.

            “Be used to” bir şeye alışkın olmak ve “get used to” da bir şeye zamanla alışmak anlamıyla tüm zamanlara
             çekimlenerek  kullanılabilir.  “Be  used  to”  ve  “get  used  to”dan  sonra  fiil  gerund  haliyle,  yani  “-ing”  takısı
             eklenerek kullanılır.
               Older generations are used to getting information from books, so using digital resources can be hard for them.
               The winning team’s coach was not used to giving public speeches, so she felt nervous during the interview.

        11. Modals Used for Deduction
            Must / May / Might / Could
                                                                                                 Video 3.12
            Emin olunan ya da kuvvetli bir kanıtın var olduğu durumlarla ilgili çıkarımda bulunurken olumlu cümlelerde
             “must”; olumsuz cümlelerde ise “can’t / couldn’t” kullanılır.
               The restaurant is always full during lunchtime, so their food must be delicious.
               I have never seen Joe study; he can’t / couldn’t be well-prepared for the exam.

            “May / might / could” bir duruma dair ihtimallerden birini ifade ederken kullanılır.
               Dan: I’m not sure if we should book the tickets for the concert now or wait until tomorrow.
               Sue:  Well, the event organisers may / might / could offer discounts for early bookings, so we should do it as soon as possible.

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