Page 56 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 56
ENGLISH 12. Modals Used for Expectation
Should / Be Supposed To / Be To / Be Due To / Be Expected To / Be About To
“Should” güçlü beklentiyi ifade etmek için ve bu beklentinin belirli şartlara bağlı olarak yüksek Video 3.13
olduğu durumlarda kullanılır.
The film should be fantastic; it has received excellent reviews from critics.
Dr Cartman is an expert in this field, so she should be able to provide valuable insights and guidance.
“Be supposed to / be to / be due to” yapıları planlanmış ve gerçekleşmesi beklenen olayları ifade etmek için
Universities are to explore innovative strategies for integrating technology into the classroom.
The former manager is due to leave the company after retiring.
“Be supposed to / be to” yapılarını yasalar veya kurallar nedeniyle yapılması beklenen işleri anlattığımız
durumlar için de kullanırız.
According to the new regulation, all employees are to complete training on recycling by the end of the month.
Passengers are supposed to present a valid ID card before the flight.
“Be about to” yapısı bir şeyi yapmak üzere olmak anlamında kullanılır.
The concert is about to start, as the orchestra has tuned its instruments and the lights have faded.
The athletes were about to start the marathon when it began to rain heavily.
13. Perfect Modals (Modal + Have + V )
A. Making Deductions about Past Events
Video 3.14
Bu yapılar geçmiş ile ilgili çıkarımda bulunulan durumlar için kullanılır.
Must have + past participle (V )
Emin olunan durumlarda, olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
The mechanic examined the car’s engine, and all the parts looked brand new. Someone must have repaired it
Can’t have + past participle (V ) / Couldn’t have + past participle (V )
3 3
Geçmişte bir şeyin olmadığından emin olunan durumlarda kullanılır.
The research assistant knows very little about the experiment. He can’t have read the whole report about it.
As the accountant double-checked the calculations, the mistake in the accounts couldn’t have resulted from a
calculation error.
B. Making Speculations about Past Events
May have + past participle (V )
Geçmişteki bir durumla alakalı ihtimallerden söz ederken kullanılır. Olumsuz ihtimallerde ise “may not have V ”
ve “might not have V ” kullanılır.
The detective noticed a footprint near the window. He thought that the burglar may have entered the house that
As they were unfamiliar with the local customs, they might not have realised that photographing in that area was
considered disrespectful.