Page 53 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 53
4. Modals Used for Advice
Should / Ought To / Had Better
Bir konuda tavsiye verirken “should, ought to, had better” yapıları kullanılır. Video 3.4
What should employees do when they face a problem at work?
Universities should offer their students the maximum academic support.
Güçlü tavsiye vermek için “had better” yapısı kullanılır. “Yaparsan iyi olur; yapmazsan sonucu olumsuz
olabilir.” gibi bir anlama sahiptir. Bu nedenle de cümlenin devamında “or”, “or else” veya “otherwise”
bağlaçlarına çok sık rastlanılır.
Children had better take responsibility in early childhood. Otherwise, they tend to be negligent.
Cümleye “should” ve “ought to”dan daha güçlü bir tavsiye anlamı vermek için “must” da kullanılabilir.
You must wear protective gear while rock climbing, or you risk injury in the event of a fall.
We must put in extra effort to find a long-term solution for the renewable energy problem.
5. Modals Used for Suggestions & Offers
Let’s ... / Shall we …? / Why don’t we …? / We could … / We may as well… / We might as well… What about
…? / How about …?
We could OK.
We may as well try out a new hobby or activity for a change. That’s a good idea.
We might as well Why not?
Why don’t we try out a new hobby or activity for a change? It sounds great
Shall we I’m sorry, I can’t.
How about trying out a new hobby or activity for a change? I don’t think it is a good idea.
What about
Bu yapılar öneride bulunurken kullanılır.
Let’s discuss the exciting outcomes of the latest marketing campaign.
You could buy a smaller car if you plan to invest in a new home next year.
Video 3.5
“What about” ve “how about” yapılarından sonra fiile “-ing” takısı eklenir.
What about gathering at the park every Sunday to have a picnic together?
How about trying out the new Chinese restaurant that has just opened downtown?
“We may as well” ve “we might as well” yapıları “yapalım bari” anlamına gelir ve biraz gönülsüz önerilerde
I think you did not like the movie we watched last night; we may as well choose a different genre tonight.
Katniss has not shown up at the party yet; we might as well give her a call to check if she is on her way.
6. Modals Used for Preferences (Prefer / Would Prefer / Would Rather / Would Sooner)
Prefer / Would Prefer / Would Rather / Would Sooner
Tercih belirtirken bu yapılar kullanılır. Video 3.6
noun to noun I prefer letters to emails.
Prefer V to V I prefer writing letters to sending emails.
ing ing
to V rather than V I prefer to write letters rather than send emails.
1 1
to V I would prefer to write letters.
+ 1
Would prefer to V rather than V 1 I would prefer to write letters rather than send emails.
to have V rather than have V I would prefer to have written letters rather than have sent emails.
3 3
Would rather
Would sooner V than V 1 I would rather / sooner write letters than send emails.