Page 52 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 52
ENGLISH 1. Modals Used for Ability
Can / Be Able To
Günümüzdeki yetenekleri ve becerileri ifade etmek için “can” ve “be able to” kullanılır.
The course attendees claim that they can write French more fluently than they can read it. Video 3.1
My cousin cannot swim, but he loves going to the beach.
Can plants remain healthy without sunlight?
Seamus is able to navigate through the busy city streets, as he has obtained his driver’s licence.
“Be able to” tüm zamanlarda çekimlenebilir.
Humanity has been able to achieve remarkable advancements and accomplishments throughout history.
Hunter-gatherers were able to survive by making use of their knowledge of the environment and resources.
Geçmişteki yetenekler ifade edilirken “could” kullanılır.
Ancient people could communicate with each other through various methods like carrier pigeons.
Two decades ago, smartphones could not perform tasks such as taking high-quality photos.
Geçmişteki tek bir olaydan bahsediliyorsa o olaya yönelik bir başarı, üstesinden gelme durumu söz konusudur.
Bu durumlarda “was / were able to” kullanılması gerekir.
It usually takes hours to reach the summit of the mountain, but last week, we were able to / could get there in record
2. Modals Used for Possibility
May / Might / Can / Could / Should / Be Likely
Video 3.2
Şu anki ve gelecekteki ihtimallerden söz ederken “may / might / can / could / should / be likely” yapıları
With the weather changing rapidly, we may experience heavy rainfall later today.
As a result of her dedication and hard work, Laura might achieve her career goals soon.
With proper training, David can become an excellent guitarist in the future.
Despite her strong performance throughout the season, the famous tennis player could lose the championship.
The team has been training hard, and with their dedication, they should win the match tonight.
Is it likely that researchers will find a cure for degenerative diseases in the near future?
3. Modals Used for Request
Can you …? / Could you ...? / Would you ...? / Will you ...? / Do you mind ...? / Would you mind ...?
Could you
Would you (Formal)
give us a presentation on the new product?
Can you (Informal)
Will you (More Direct)
Would you mind (Formal)
giving us a presentation on the new product?
Do you mind (Informal)
Birinden bir ricada bulunurken bu yapılar kullanılır.
Do you mind lowering the music volume, as I cannot concentrate on my work?
Could you share a little about your journey to becoming a successful chef?
Video 3.3
Would you mind reviewing the instructions for assembling the furniture once more?