Page 47 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 47


                                                         6.  The  team  ----  seismic  data  to  assess  earthquake
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen   risks in the region for two months, and it is obvious
         sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                             that they ---- improved building codes for the future
        1.  More  and  more  companies  ----  a  hybrid  working
           model  these  days  because  it  ----  employees’   A) has analysed / recommended
           productivity and work-life balance.               B) is going to analyse / recommend
           A) adopt / has improved                           C) analysed / will have recommended
           B) will adopt / improved                          D) has been analysing / will recommend
           C) adopted / had improved                         E) will analyse / are going to recommend
           D) are adopting / improves
           E) have adopted / will have improved

        2.  Many ancient civilisations, such as the Sumerians   7.  Over the next year, the foundation ---- for 50 years
           and Babylonians, ---- in Mesopotamia, and each of   to  deliver  opportunity,  innovation,  and  impact
           them ---- significant contributions to world history   across the globe, and it ---- its 50   anniversary with
           and culture.                                      an Awards Night on June 15.
           A) had lived / was making                         A) has been working / is going to celebrate
           B) lived / made                                   B) will have been working / will celebrate
           C) were living / had been making                  C) worked / has been celebrating
           D) have lived / had made                          D) will work / celebrates
           E) had been living / has made                     E) had been working / is celebrating

        3.  Since  the  meteorologists  ----  similar  atmospheric   8.  As the meteorologists ---- the storm last week, they
           conditions in the past, they ---- trouble predicting   ----  a  sudden  drop  in  atmospheric  pressure  as  a
           the upcoming extreme weather event.               sign of the upcoming disaster.
           A) will examine / do not have                     A) will track / have been observing
           B) examined / will not have                       B) track / will have observed
           C) had been examining / have not had              C) are tracking / will observe
           D) examine / are not having                       D) tracked / have observed
           E) had examined / had not had                     E) were tracking / observed

        4.  Before  the  printing  press  ----  widespread  across   9.  Throughout  her  career,  the  famous  author  J.K.
           Europe  during  the  15   century,  writers  ----  their   Rowling  ----  several  best-selling  novels,  and  her
           works by hand.                                    works ---- the hearts of readers worldwide.
           A) became / had been copying                      A) has penned / have captivated
           B) has become / copy                              B) is penning / were captivating
           C) was becoming / were copying                    C) will pen / captivated
           D) becomes / will copy                            D) has been penning / had captivated
           E) had become / copied                            E) pens / will have been captivated

        5.  During  the  last  safari,  while  the  photographers   10. While scientists ---- experiments in the laboratory,
           ----  wildlife  images  to  view  the  stunning  African   a  major  breakthrough  ----  in  the  field  of  quantum
           wildlife, the biologists ---- animal behaviour.   physics.
           A) will capture / will be observing               A) conduct / occurs
           B) have captured / will observe                   B) were conducting / occurred
           C) were capturing / were observing                C) conducted / will occur
           D) captured / have been observing                 D) have conducted / occurs
           E) had captured / were observing                  E) had conducted / was occurring

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