Page 43 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 43


        B. The Future Perfect Tense or The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
                               Affirmative                Negative                  Interrogative

                        Christina  will  have  prepared   Christina will not have prepared   Will Christina have prepared all the
           The Future   all the decorations by the time   all  the  decorations  by  the  time   decorations by the time her friends
          Perfect Tense
                             her friends arrive.       her friends arrive.             arrive?

           The Future   Christina  will  have  been   Christina  will  not  have  been   Will Christina have been preparing
             Perfect    preparing  the  decorations   preparing  the  decorations  for   the  decorations  for  hours  by  the
           Continuous   for  hours  by  the  time  her   hours  by  the  time  her  friends   time her friends arrive?
             Tense            friends arrive.              arrive.
           Gelecek zamanda devam ediyor olacak olan bir olayı anlatırken “The Future Perfect Continuous Tense” kullanılırken;
           gelecekte belli bir zamandan önce bitecek olan bir olayı ifade ederken “The Future Perfect Tense” kullanılır.
              Situation: We have to take 6 different courses in 8 months to get a certificate at the end of this year.
                             We will have been taking courses for 8 months by the end of this year.
                             By August, we will have taken three courses to get a certificate at the end of this year.
                                                                                                 Video 2.29
                             By December, we will have finished taking all six courses to get a certificate.
           “The Future Perfect Continuous Tense” ile beraber eylemsizlik bildiren fiiller (non-action verbs) kullanılmaz.
              By the time the guests arrive at the restaurant, the manager will have been preferring a table by the window. X

              By the time the guests arrive at the restaurant, the manager will have preferred a table by the window. ✔
           “The Future Perfect Continuous Tense” ile kullanılacak fiillere dikkat edilmelidir. Süreklilik bildiren “play, sleep,
           read” gibi fiiller bu “tense” ile kullanılabilir. “Finish, start, arrive” gibi bir anda olup biten eylemleri anlatan fiiller
           bu "tense" ile kullanılamaz.

              By the end of the month, the company will have been starting marketing the new product globally. X

              By the end of this month, the company will have started marketing the new product globally. ✔
              After months of hard work, the woman will have been overcoming the challenges to achieve her business goals. X

              After months of hard work, the woman will have overcome the challenges to achieve her business goals. ✔

        A) Choose the best option to fill in the blanks in the paragraph.

        Most  countries  (1)----  cleaner  transportation  solutions  for  the  past  few  decades.  So  currently,  many  governments  and
        companies (2)---- in electric car facilities to support the adoption of electric cars. As a result, electric vehicles (3)---- popularity
        worldwide as a sustainable and eco-friendly transportation option day by day. They are considered eco-friendly because
        they (4)---- zero emissions. They (5)---- electric motors instead of traditional engines. Plus, recent advancements in battery
        technology (6)---- their charging times, so they can now be a good option for longer journeys. Once the range of electric
        vehicles (7)----, they (8)---- a more popular choice for everyday transportation in the near future.

           1. a) are seeking            b) have been seeking    c) will seek         d) seek
           2. a) invest       b) have invested      c) are investing            d) will invest
           3. a) will be gaining   b) gain          c) have gained              d) are gaining
           4. a) have produced   b) produce         c) have been producing      d) will have produced
           5. a) are having   b) have had           c) will have                d) have
           6. a) will be reducing   b) are reducing      c) have reduced        d) reduce
           7. a) increases    b) is increasing      c) has been increasing      d) will increase
           8. a) have become   b) have been becoming   c) will become           d) are becoming

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