Page 41 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 41
After the athletes complete / have completed months of training and preparation, the sports committee will select those
who have the skills to compete on the global stage.
The authorities are going to close the bridge to ensure the safety of travellers until they complete the necessary repairs.
10. The Future Continuous Tense
“The Future Continuous Tense”de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You / We / The children will be displaying The children will not be displaying Will the children be displaying their
They their artistic talents in the school their artistic talents in the school artistic talents in the school exhibition
He / She / It exhibition at this time tomorrow. exhibition at this time tomorrow. at this time tomorrow?
Aşağıdaki durumlarda “The Future Continuous Tense” kullanılır.
Gelecekte bir noktada yapılıyor olacak olan durumlar:
Video 2.23
During the summit next week, industry leaders will be presenting their solutions to the urgent problems.
Famous chefs will be sharing their secrets for creating unique flavours in the workshop this afternoon.
Gelecekte farklı zamanlarda tekrarlanarak devam edecek olaylar:
The book club members will be holding meetings to gather enthusiastic readers and exchange literary recommendations
every month.
Kişilerin planlarını sorduğumuz durumlar:
Will the CEO be giving the opening speech, or will they be sending someone else to speak for the company?
Gelecekte belirli bir zamanda olması beklenen, tahmin edilen ya da planlanan olaylar ve durumlar:
By the mid-2030s, electric cars will be dominating the global automotive market.
A. Time Expressions Frequently Used in the Future Continuous Tense Video 2.24
next week / month / year next time when at this time next Monday at five p.m. tomorrow in the future
At this time tomorrow, the prime minister will be chairing his first Cabinet.
Ageing populations and demographic shifts will be shaping government policies in the world in the following decade.
Next week, the world leaders will be meeting to address the climate crisis.
11. The Future Perfect Tense
“The Future Perfect Tense”de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur. Video 2.25
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Scientists will have developed Scientists will not have developed a Will scientists have developed a more
I / You / We / They a more efficient method for more efficient method for converting efficient method for converting sunlight
He / She / It converting sunlight into electricity sunlight into electricity by 2030. into electricity by 2030?
by 2030.
Gelecekte belirli bir noktadan önce yapmış, tamamlamış, başarmış ve bitirmiş olacağımız olaylar için kullanılır.
By 2 p.m., the researchers will have analysed all the collected data.
In fifty years, space tourism will have become a common recreational activity.