Page 44 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 44


    ENGLISH  B) Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

           1. As soon as the necessary equipment arrives, the experiment will start / will have started.
           2. The  research  team  will  have  been  studying  /  will  study  this  topic  for  9  years  by  the  time  they  publish  their
             comprehensive report.
           3. Advancements in nanotechnology will lead to / will have led to groundbreaking innovations in the fields of medicine,
             electronics, and materials science in a few years.
           4. The scientists will be discussing / will have discussed the behaviours of black holes at the conference at 2 o’clock
           5. The couple will have completed / will have been completing their doctoral dissertation by the end of the semester.
           6. Based on the detailed market analysis, the company is going to launch / will have launched a new product line
             to meet the increasing demand.
           7. By the time the conference takes place, our team will be preparing / will have been preparing the presentation for
             several months to make sure it is complete and effective.
           8. In the coming years, renewable energy sources will be playing / will have been playing a crucial role in reducing
             carbon emissions and addressing climate change.

        C) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in parentheses.
           1. When I _________________ (arrive) at the party, everyone _________________ (already / eat) dinner, and the
             band _________________ (play) their last song.
           2. The  children  _________________  (build)  sandcastles  on  the  beach  while  their  parents  _________________
             (relax) under the umbrella.
           3. By the time George and Linda _________________ (reach) the airport, the flight _________________ (depart),
             and they _________________ (wait) for the next available one.
           4. Last weekend, while John and his wife _________________ (hike) in the mountains, it _________________ (start)
             to rain heavily, so they _________________ (take) shelter under a big tree until the storm _________________
           5. Before I _________________ (move) to this city, I _________________ (live) in a small town for most of my life so
             I _________________ (never / see) so many people and tall buildings before.
           6. Janet _________________ (study) for the exam all night long, and when she _________________ (take) the test,
             she _________________ (feel) quite confident about her answers.
           7. The sun _________________ (set) and the waves _________________ (crash) against the shore as the birds
             _________________ (sing) their evening songs.
           8. When Mary finally _________________ (wake up), the sun _________________ (shine) brightly, and her mother
             _________________ (already / prepare) the breakfast in the garden.
        D) Match the halves to make meaningful sentences.

           1. As soon as scientists had discovered the new species   ___ a.  they will be much less likely to have accidents and
             of plant,                                          hurt themselves or the environment.
                                                          ___ b.  they published their findings in a prestigious
           2. After the students hand in their assignments,
                                                                scientific journal.
           3. Once people know how to store and handle chemicals   ___ c.  its citizens will continue to face numerous
             properly,                                          challenges in various aspects of their lives.
                                                          ___ d.  the nurses had prepared the patient’s room and
           4. By the time the experiment reaches its conclusion,
                                                                gathered all of the medical supplies they could need.
           5. Before the doctor arrived at the hospital,  ___ e.  ecosystems on earth had already suffered
           6. Until Nigeria improves its infrastructure and invests in      irreparable harm.
             quality education and healthcare,            ___ f.   they had cordoned off the area and began
                                                                collecting critical evidence.
           7. By  the  time  people  realised  the  seriousness  of  the   ___ g.  the researchers will have collected a lot of data to
             environmental crisis,                              analyse and draw meaningful conclusions from.

           8. When the police arrived at the crime scene,  ___ h.  they will have some free time to relax and unwind
                                                                before the next class.

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