Page 46 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 46
ENGLISH 11. Picasso ---- traditional art methods with new ideas, 16. By the time the scientists ---- the experiment next
week, they ---- it for two months.
which leads to works that ---- modern artists today.
A) had combined / inspired
A) have completed / will have been conducting
B) combined / inspire
C) has combined / are inspiring B) will complete / have been conducting
C) complete / will conduct
D) combines / will inspire D) completed / have conducted
E) was combining / had inspired E) are going to complete / will be conducting
12. The company’s marketing director ---- that 17. Some cities ---- innovative recycling programmes
worldwide distribution of the product ---- around for quite some time, and their efforts ---- waste in
this time next year. landfills.
A) has stated / will begin A) had implemented / are reducing
B) stated / is beginning B) have implemented / had reduced
C) states / was beginning C) will implement / reduced
D) will state / began D) have been implementing / have reduced
E) had stated / will be beginning E) were implementing / will reduce
13. The American Revolutionary War ---- for over a year 18. When someone ---- an incorrect PIN number
by the time the Declaration of Independence ---- law multiple times at an ATM, the machine ---- their
in 1776. account temporarily for security purposes.
A) was going on / had become A) has entered / locked
B) went on / was becoming B) will enter / has locked
C) has been going on / has become C) entered / had locked
D) had been going on / became D) enters / locks
E) is going on / will become E) had entered / will lock
14. The movie-going experience ---- higher levels 19. By the first half of the 19 century, Romanticism
ever since the movie industry ---- using digital ---- culture and art, and afterwards, this period ----
technology. famous works of literature, poetry, and art.
A) reaches / starts A) had been dominating / generates
B) is reaching / will start B) had dominated / generated
C) was reaching / had started C) has dominated / was generating
D) reached / has started D) was dominating / has generated
E) has reached / started E) dominated / had generated
15. Albert Einstein often ---- heated arguments with 20. Although the exact origin of shadow puppets ---- to
other scientists when he ---- his theory of relativity. be a mystery, historians think that they ---- more
A) was having / had formulated than 2,000 years to ancient China.
B) has had / formulated A) has continued / dated back
C) had / was formulating B) is continuing / have dated back
D) has / formulates C) continues / date back
E) had had / had been formulating D) will continue / had dated back
E) continued / will date back