Page 45 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 45
6. Researchers from the UK and Japan ---- that robots
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen ---- around 39% of common domestic chores within
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
a decade.
1. Once Renaissance philosophy ---- dominant in the A) claim / are doing
West from the 15 century, an attempt to reassess B) will claim / had been doing
the sources of ancient philosophy ----. C) claimed / were doing
A) became / had begun D) have claimed / will be doing
B) has become / began E) were claiming / are going to do
C) had become / began
D) become / will have begun
E) was becoming / was beginning
2. Astronomers ---- a distant galaxy over the past 7. As the geological expedition team ---- the rock
several years, and they ---- their findings at the formations the other day, they ---- a rare fossil of an
upcoming international conference. ancient creature from the distant past.
A) observed / had presented A) is studying / will find
B) observe / have presented B) studied / have found
C) have observed / presented C) will be studying / find
D) have been observing / will present D) studies / will have found
E) were observing / are going to present E) was studying / found
3. Scientists ---- its efficacy and safety on humans 8. Experts ---- that it is high time biologists ---- a
soon, as they ---- significant progress in developing detailed investigation into the habitat loss of
a new drug for the disease. endangered species.
A) are going to test / made A) were emphasising / will be starting
B) test / will have been making B) emphasised / will start
C) will test / have made C) emphasise / started
D) have tested / will be making D) have emphasised / start
E) will have tested / made E) are emphasising / are going to start
4. Archaeologists ---- the ancient Celtic city for a while, 9. By the time the jeans factory ---- using an industrial
and their work ---- the discovery of a 3,000-year-old air filter, the air pollution in the neighbourhood ----
bronze sword. an alarming level.
A) excavated / had resulted in A) has started / will have been reaching
B) excavate / resulted in B) starts / will have reached
C) were excavating / will result in C) started / was reaching
D) have excavated / was resulting in D) will start / will be reaching
E) have been excavating / has resulted in E) had started / reached
5. The famous 19 -century architect Antoni Gaudi ---- 10. Researchers ---- the psychological benefits of
iconic landmarks of the Art Nouveau movement, and spending time in nature, and so far, they ---- enough
today his unique style ---- contemporary architecture evidence that it reduces stress levels.
A) are investigating / have found
A) has designed / influenced B) investigated / find
B) designed / influences C) investigate / found
C) designs / is influencing D) were investigating / had found
D) had designed / was influencing E) have investigated / will find
E) was designing / is going to influence