Page 42 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 42
ENGLISH B. Time Expressions Used in the Future Perfect Tense when before
by that time
by 2050
by the time
within a decade
by the end of this summer / next week
by then
in five years
In ten years, technology will have advanced so much that we might witness self-driving cars on the roads.
The population of the city will have doubled and changed urban planning within a decade.
Video 2.26
“By” ve “By the time” arasındaki farka dikkat etmek gerekir; “By” bir ilgeç (preposition), bu yüzden
kendisinden sonra bir isim gelir. “By the time” ise bir bağlaçtır. Kendisinden sonra bir cümle gelmelidir.
According to the report, by the next decade, the company will have expanded its market share significantly.
By the time renewable energy sources dominate the global energy mix, we will have reduced our reliance on fossil fuels.
“By the time” ın kullanıldığı bir cümlede, ana cümlede fiil olarak “be” fiili kullanılmış ve süreç belirtilmemişse
“The Future Perfect Tense” yerine “The Simple Future Tense” kullanılır.
By the time the concert starts, there will be no tickets left.
The audience will have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions from laughter to tears by the time the movie ends.
12. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
“The Future Perfect Continuous Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği
Video 2.27
gibi oluşturulur.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You / We / They The lunar research will have been The lunar research will not have been Will the lunar research have been
He / She / It continuing for ten years in 2030. continuing for ten years in 2030. continuing for ten years in 2030?
“The Future Perfect Continuous Tense” gelecekte bir eylemin belirli bir zamandan önce ne kadar süredir
yapılıyor olduğunu anlattığımız durumlarda kullanılır. Bu zamanda genellikle olayın süresi de belirtilir.
Simon will have been working for the same company for fifteen years by the end of this year.
for two years by tomorrow by this time tomorrow by then
Time Clause Main Clause
The Simple Present Tense
When + OR The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
By the time
The Present Perfect Tense
A. Time Expressions Used in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
By the 2040s, scientists will have been studying the effects of climate change for decades.
Video 2.28
How long will the archaeologists have been working on the excavation site by the time they
publish / have published their findings?
When the construction ends / has ended, the construction workers will have been working for two years.