Page 61 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 61


                                                         6.  The  explorers  ----  the  unknown  area  without
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen   preparation,  so  they  ----  for  the  rescue  team  for
         sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                             hours when they got lost.
        1.  As this was the first successful discovery in this   A) did not have to enter / might be waiting
           field, scientists ---- unique techniques to reawaken   B) were not allowed to enter / should have waited
           worms that ---- frozen for about 46,000 years.    C) might not have entered / must wait
           A) should have used / might remain                D) needn’t have entered / were about to wait
           B) must have used / might have remained           E) ought not to have entered / had to wait
           C) may have used / can’t have remained
           D) ought to use / could have remained
           E) were to use / should not remain

        2.  Many  are  upset  that  Wimbledon’s  plate-shaped   7.  To  ensure  conformity  with  safety  regulations,
           trophy for female champions ---- women’s domestic   all  employees  ----  mandatory  training,  and  the
           roles  and  think  the  design  ----  the  same  for  both   company ---- employees with the necessary safety
           genders.                                          equipment.
           A) could symbolise / should not be                A) must receive / is supposed to provide
           B) cannot symbolise / does not have to be         B) can receive / used to provide
           C) may symbolise / ought to be                    C) should receive / might provide
           D) must not symbolise / needs to be               D) may receive / has to provide
           E) might be symbolising / could not be            E) had better receive / can provide

        3.  Policymakers ---- more resources to disadvantaged   8.  The project team ---- the project by now; if it is not
           regions, as they ---- the educational gap to enable   ready, they ---- some unexpected problems.
           children to reach their full potential.           A) had better complete / may face
           A) may have provided / needn’t have closed        B) can have completed / should be facing
           B) should provide / do not have to close          C) should have completed / must be facing
           C) are not allowed to provide / have to close     D) might have completed / need to face
           D) might not provide / ought to close             E) would have completed / had better face
           E) must provide / are supposed to close

        4.  Long-term  exposure  to  air  pollution  ----  serious   9.  In  the  historical  battles,  the  soldiers  ----
           breathing  problems,  so  people  in  highly  polluted   extraordinary bravery as they ---- the military orders
           areas ---- their exposure soon.                   of their commanders.
           A) has to cause / are about to reduce             A) would display / followed
           B) might cause / had better reduce                B) should have displayed / will follow
           C) must cause / should not reduce                 C) had to display / have followed
           D) used to cause / can reduce                     D) might be displaying / had followed
           E) could cause / do not need to reduce            E) were to display / are following

        5.  The  ancient  Mayan  civilisation  ----  about  food   10. Because  of  seasonal  rainfall  and  snowmelt,  the
           shortages,  as  they  ----  various  crops  in  the  rich   river’s water level ----, and the neighbouring villages
           biodiversity of their environment.                ---- precautions to avoid potential floods.
           A) could have worried / were able to grow         A) may fluctuate / must take
           B) can’t have worried / may not be growing        B) has to fluctuate / might take
           C) had to worry / were due to grow                C) could have fluctuated / will take
           D) did not need to worry / used to grow           D) might fluctuate / would take
           E) should not have worried / must be growing      E) used to fluctuate / ought to take

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