Page 66 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 66


    ENGLISH  11. The Pomodoro Technique, which ---- studying for   16. The Ottoman Empire ---- its territory in the Battle of

           25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break, ---- popular
                                                             Gallipoli successfully, which ---- differently without
           among students in recent years.
                                                             Mustafa Kemal’s strategic genius and the faith of
                                                             his soldiers.
           A) has involved / is becoming
           B) involved / became                              A) was able to defend / might have gone
           C) will involve / will become                     B) used to defend / should have gone
           D) involves / has become                          C) could defend / had to go
           E) had involved / becomes                         D) has to defend / must have gone
                                                             E) was supposed to defend / would go

        12. The invention of the printing press by Johannes   17. Climate change experts have reported that corals
           Gutenberg  in  the  15   century  ----  the  spread  of   ---- faster than ever these days, as ocean surface
           knowledge and ---- a significant impact on society.   temperatures ---- record highs recently.
           A) helped / had                                   A) should have died / reached
           B) helps / has had                                B) may be dying / have reached
           C) has helped / will have                         C) might have died / will reach
           D) was helping / has                              D) might be dying / reach
           E) had helped / was having                        E) must have died / had reached

        13. People ---- illnesses by using traditional remedies   18. Readers  ----  different  reading  formats—print  or
           and herbs in the past, and this shows that they ----   digital—in accordance with their purpose, and each
           an excellent understanding of nature.             format affects how well they ----.
           A) were able to cure / can’t have had             A) are supposed to prefer / must read
           B) had to cure / should have                      B) should prefer / have to read
           C) could cure / must have had                     C) would prefer / can read
           D) must cure / might have had                     D) may prefer / used to read
           E) used to cure / have to have                    E) could prefer / were able to read

        14. You  ----  all  materials  in  microwave  ovens  to  heat   19. Most  of  the  traditional  African  tribes  ----  their
           food;  for  example,  using  plastic  containers  ----   unique  customs  and  languages,  which  ----  useful
           some harmful chemicals to pass into the food.     information about different cultural practices.
           A) must not place / has to cause                  A) will preserve / has to provide
           B) do not have to place / may cause               B) preserved / must provide
           C) may not place / must cause                     C) have preserved / might have provided
           D) cannot place / had to cause                    D) had preserved / should have provided
           E) should not place / can cause                   E) preserve / can provide

        15. As  bacteria  ----  in  various  environments,  they  ----   20. Some historians suggested that the ancient
           with another organism in order to continue their   Egyptians ---- electric phenomena from observing
           existence.                                        lightning  and  interacting  with  electric  fish,  but
           A) are able to survive / cannot live              there is no evidence that they ---- electricity.
           B) can survive / do not need to live              A) used to understand / find
           C) must survive / should not live                 B) must have understood / have found
           D) might survive / could not live                 C) could understand / had found
           E) had to survive / did not have to live          D) might have understood / found
                                                             E) should have understood / will find

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