Page 65 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 65


                                                         6.  ---- woman standing over there is not rich, but she is
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen   one of ---- who pretend to be one and like spending
         sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        1.  ---- who exercise vigorously are likely to discover   A) This / these
           that they can be successful by pushing ----.      B) The / this
           A) Anybody / himself                              C) One / that
           B) Somebody / herself                             D) The ones / them
           C) Those / themselves                             E) That / those
           D) Everybody / yourselves
           E) No one / itself

        2.  Curiosity and the desire for discovery inspired ----   7.  As Mr Black did not feel well, he asked ---- students
           from artists to scientists during the Renaissance,   to  study  silently  and  gave  ----  homework  for  the
           which  resulted  in  ----  cultural  enrichment  that   next lesson.
           shaped history.                                   A) his / them
           A) someone / a little                             B) him / their
           B) anyone / several                               C) yours / theirs
           C) nobody / much                                  D) he / him
           D) everyone / a large amount of                   E) our / us
           E) somebody / a number of

        3.  Of all the instruments, ---- piano stands out as an   8.  The  new  tenant  has  six  children;  five  of  ----  are
           extraordinary instrument capable of producing ----   staying with her for the time being, while ---- has
           distinct tones and melodies.                      his own house.
           A) Ø / a lot of                                   A) their / the others
           B) a / plenty of                                  B) him / another
           C) the / a great deal of                          C) they / others
           D) Ø / several                                    D) his / other
           E) the / many                                     E) them / the other

        4.  Despite  their  lack  of  energy,  exhausted  travellers   9.  During  the  past  several  weeks,  our  company’s
           were able to find ---- taxi and reach their destination   economy  ----  impressive  growth,  but  the  board
           in ---- hour.                                     believes that it ---- long.
           A) the / Ø                                        A) showed / did not last
           B) a / an                                         B) has shown / will not last
           C) a / Ø                                          C) will show / will not be lasting
           D) the / an                                       D) shows / has not lasted
           E) a / the                                        E) was showing / does not last

        5.  With ---- ingredients and creativity, the famous chef   10. As  the  clock’s  hands  ----  towards  9.45  p.m.,  the
           transformed  ordinary  vegetables  into  a  culinary   supporters ---- with joy to hear the first whistle of
           masterpiece that impressed ---- community at the   the final match.
           dinner.                                           A) were moving / waited
           A) a few / the entire                             B) have moved / have been waiting
           B) much / several                                 C) had been moving / will wait
           C) the whole / every                              D) moved / were waiting
           D) many / a number of                             E) move / wait
           E) lots of / much of

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