Page 63 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 63


                                                         6.  The restaurant guests ---- for a table because they
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen   ---- a reservation in advance to secure their seats.
         sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                             A) did not need to wait / can’t have made
        1.  As  cybercrimes  are  on  the  rise,  authorities  ----   B) were supposed to wait / had to make
           precautions  against  potential  cyber  attacks,  as   C) should have waited / must have made
           they ---- national security in danger.
                                                             D) needn’t have waited / could have made
           A) must take / could put                          E) must have waited / would rather make
           B) may take / used to put
           C) need to take / must put
           D) should take / have to put
           E) would take / might be putting

        2.  Although  most  teachers  ----  traditional  teaching   7.  While students ---- from incorporating technology
           methods, they ---- more interactive and student-centred   in the learning process, they ---- the significance of
           methods to improve learning.                      face-to-face interactions with teachers and peers.
           A) used to apply / might have used                A) would benefit / did not have to overlook
           B) would apply / have to use                      B) might benefit / should not have overlooked
           C) had better apply / are about to use            C) have to benefit / cannot overlook
           D) are used to applying / should use              D) can benefit / should not overlook
           E) must be applying / would rather use            E) had better benefit / do not need to overlook

        3.  The  government  ----  effective  water  conservation   8.  Individuals and organisations ---- change; instead,
           measures  against  the  drought  earlier;  now,  the   they  ----  a  mentality  of  continuous  learning  and
           whole region ---- severe water scarcity.          adaptability to take advantage of technology.
           A) can’t have taken / might be facing             A) should not fear / could have developed
           B) should have taken / has to face                B) do not have to fear / must develop
           C) would prefer to take / could face              C) had better not fear / would develop
           D) could have taken / would face                  D) cannot fear / are supposed to develop
           E) does not need to take / must face              E) would not have feared / had to develop

        4.  Melatonin supplements ---- beneficial for individuals   9.  Friends  ----  active  empathy  to  build  stronger
           who experience sleep disturbances, but you ---- a   bonds, and they ---- conflicts with understanding to
           healthcare professional before using them.        promote a healthier environment.
           A) could be / would consult                       A) ought to prioritise / had better approach
           B) need to be / should be consulting              B) could prioritise / must have approached
           C) will be / might be consulting                  C) could have prioritised / may approach
           D) cannot be / have to consult                    D) have to prioritise / would have approached
           E) might be / need to consult                     E) should have prioritised / might approach

        5.  The  examinees  ----  electronic  devices  during  the   10. According  to  recent  findings,  ancient  people  ----
           exam,  as  they  ----  their  understanding  and  skills   stone tools for hunting, but it is clear that they ----
           without external assistance.                      devices for observing the sky.
           A) are expected to use / should demonstrate       A) must have used / can’t have invented
           B) do not have to use / might demonstrate         B) had to use / did not need to invent
           C) are not allowed to use / must demonstrate      C) should have used / could not have invented
           D) are able to use / can demonstrate              D) may have used / would not have invented
           E) do not get used to using / have to demonstrate  E) used to use / should not invent

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