Page 67 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 67
6. ---- Canary Islands are a group of Spanish islands
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen located off the northwest coast of Africa, known for
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
---- beautiful beaches and pleasant climate.
1. Cinema and literature are two art domains that A) The / their
influence ----, and most people enjoy comparing ---- B) Ø / its
by looking at the different versions of the same work. C) Ø / them
A) the other / these D) The / theirs
B) another / those E) Ø / her
C) one another / either
D) each other / them
E) others / both
2. Exploring different cultures helps us understand 7. The ruins of Göbeklitepe are truly unique as they
how ---- people live and makes us more respectful of are ---- that provide us with ---- information about
the differences that make ---- world so interesting. the ancient past and the early stages of human
A) the others / theirs civilisation.
B) the other / your A) ones / a number of
C) others / their B) one / much of
D) another / ours C) those / several
E) other / our D) the ones / a large quantity of
E) these / a good deal of
3. ---- the tropical birds can fly long distances during 8. ---- people are concerned about genetically modified
migration and demonstrate ---- remarkable ability to food as we do not have ---- a clear understanding of
adapt to changing environments and climates. its long-term effects on health and the environment.
A) None of / its A) Every / large amount of
B) All of / them B) Most / all of
C) Most of / their C) Many / enough of
D) Some of / it D) Each / none of
E) Enough of / theirs E) Several / plenty of
4. ---- should make positive choices and take care of 9. The platypus ---- extinct yet, but its numbers in the
---- through regular exercise and a balanced diet to wild ---- because of frequent bushfires, pollution,
eliminate health problems. deforestation, drought, and predators.
A) Everyone / ourselves A) has not been / are declining
B) Somebody / himself B) is not / decline
C) Anybody / yourselves C) will not be / have declined
D) No one / herself D) had not been / have been declining
E) Everybody / themselves E) will not have been / will decline
5. Rainforests contain ---- diverse plant and animal 10. The 21 century ---- incredible growth in the human
species, contributing to ---- Earth’s biodiversity. population, so scientists predict that more than
A) most of / Ø 75% of the world’s population ---- in urban areas by
B) a large quantity of / the
A) witnessed / are living
C) a great deal of / Ø
B) has witnessed / will live
D) lots of / Ø
C) had witnessed / lived
E) much of / the
D) will witness / have been living
E) witnesses / will have lived