Page 62 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 62
ENGLISH 11. As the project deadline is flexible, engineers in 16. After receiving a bite from an unknown insect,
you ---- medical attention, or else, you ---- severe
the company ----; instead, they ---- their time and
ensure that the work is of high quality.
allergic reactions.
A) should not rush / must take
B) would not rush / are supposed to take A) had better seek / can experience
B) do not have to seek / must experience
C) could not have rushed / will take C) may not be seeking / will experience
D) may not rush / have to take D) could be seeking / ought to experience
E) do not have to rush / may take E) should have sought / would experience
12. After days of trekking, the visitors ---- exhausted, 17. The board of directors ---- any decisions without
but they ---- a great sense of accomplishment upon consulting the CEO, so they ---- approval from her
reaching the mountain’s summit. for every major decision.
A) ought to be / might have felt A) can’t have made / needed to receive
B) must have been / may have felt B) daren’t make / had to receive
C) will be / need to feel C) could not have made / would receive
D) might have been / should be feeling D) would not make / might receive
E) are supposed to be / had better feel E) should not make / may receive
13. Local people think that the ancient ruins in the 18. Many people ---- different choices in their lives;
jungle ---- an important archaeological site and the however, they ---- that the choices they made have
excavators ---- significant cultural artefacts there. shaped them into who they are today.
A) should have been / might have revealed A) ought to have made / might have acknowledged
B) would be / need to reveal B) should not have made / might acknowledge
C) may be / had to reveal C) would rather have made / ought to acknowledge
D) can be / may reveal D) might have made / will have acknowledged
E) used to be / must reveal E) can’t have made / need to acknowledge
14. While it ---- tempting to take on the most challenging 19. In the 1920s, labourers ---- long hours in often
walks in a given location, hikers ---- the trail’s dangerous conditions, but now, they ---- safer and
difficulties and choose an appropriate route. more regulated working environments.
A) must be / could assess A) were used to working / should enjoy
B) may be / must assess B) could work / have to enjoy
C) could be / may assess C) would have worked / may enjoy
D) should be / can assess D) used to work / can enjoy
E) has to be / would assess E) would be working / had better enjoy
15. Artists ---- themselves to one medium or style of 20. In some cultures, guests ---- a thoughtful gift for
art; they ---- with new techniques and push the their host; it ---- from a handcrafted piece of artwork
boundaries of artistic expression. to a bouquet of flowers.
A) do not have to limit / could experiment A) needn’t have brought / might range
B) are supposed to limit / may experiment B) were to bring / could have ranged
C) need to limit / should experiment C) are supposed to bring / could range
D) could not have limited / can experiment D) do not have to bring / should range
E) used to limit / would experiment E) had better bring / may range