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           ▪ Direct Speech: “I will present my research findings next week.”

             Reported Speech: She said that she would present her research findings the following week.
           ▪ Direct Speech: “I am working on my thesis right now.”
             Reported Speech: He said that he was working on his thesis at that time.
           ▪ Direct Speech: “We have been studying this topic for months.”
             Reported Speech: They said that they had been studying this topic for months.

           ▪ Direct Speech: “I will meet my advisor tomorrow.”
             Reported Speech: She said that she would meet her advisor the next day.
        Expressions of Place in Reported Speech

                                    Direct Speech                 Reported Speech

                                         this                           that
                                        these                          those
                                        here                           there

                                        come                            go

           ▪ “This species is at risk of extinction due to habitat loss.”
             The researcher said this species was at risk of extinction due to habitat loss. (İşaret edilen türün yanında)
             The researcher said that species was at risk of extinction due to habitat loss. (İşaret edilen türün uzağında)
            Eğer aktarma fiili (say, tell, ask …), “Simple Present, Present Perfect, Simple Future” ise, aktarılan cümlenin
             zamanında herhangi bir değişiklik olmaz. Sadece zamirlerde değişiklik yapılır.

           ▪ “I am currently researching the impact of social media on mental health,” has said the researcher.
             The researcher has said that he is currently researching the impact of social media on mental health.
           ▪ “I have interviewed several participants who experienced mobbing at their workplace,” has said the interviewer.
             The interviewer has said that she has interviewed several participants who experienced mobbing at their workplace.

            Aktarılan  cümledeki  “would,  would  rather,  would  prefer,  would  like,  would  hate”  gibi  içinde  “would”  olan
             yapılar “reported speech” yapısında kullanılırken cümlelerin bu bölümleri aynı kalır.

           ▪ Direct Speech: “We would prefer not to discuss that topic.”
             Reported Speech: They said they would prefer not to discuss that topic.
            Bilimsel gerçekler, genel doğrular ve kurallar “reported speech” ile aktarılırken zaman değişikliği yapılmaz.

           ▪ Direct Speech: “The human body is made up of approximately 70% water.”
             Reported Speech: The expert said that the human body is made up of approximately 70% water.

            If Clause Type-1 cümleleri, dolaylı anlatımda (reported / indirect speech) bir derece “past” olarak kullanılırken,
             Type-2 ve Type-3 cümleleri aynı şekilde kullanılırlar.
           ▪ Direct Speech: “If it rains, we will stay inside.”
             Reported Speech: He said that if it rained, they would stay inside.
           ▪ Direct Speech: “If I had more time, I would learn a new language.”
             Reported Speech: She said that if she had more time, she would learn a new language.

           ▪ Direct Speech: “If I had known it would be crowded, I would have come earlier to find a seat.”
             Reported Speech: She said that if she had known it would be crowded, she would have come earlier to find a

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