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        6. Reduction in Noun Clauses

        Soru kelimesiyle veya “whether” ile başlayan “noun clause” yapıları belli kurallar dahilinde kısaltılarak “soru
        kelimesi  +  to  +  yalın  haldeki  fiil”  şeklinde  ifade  edilebilir.  Fakat  kısaltma  sadece  “temel  cümle”  ve  “noun
        clause” yapının öznesi aynı olduğu durumlarda yapılabilir.                              Video 11.5
           ▪ Unlike their male counterparts, most of the working women have doubts about when to have a child.
           ▪ Depending on his performance, the board will decide whether to renew the Finnish footballer’s contract.
            “Whether”  ile  başlayan  noun  clause  yapıları  “whether  +  to  +  fiil”  şeklinde  kısaltılabilirken  “if”  bu  şekilde
             kısaltma için kullanılamaz.

           ▪ Parents differ in their opinions about whether to check what their kids are doing on social media sites. (if to check)
            Genellikle “should, will, must, can, could” ile kurulmuş cümlelerde kısaltma yapılabilir.
           ▪ When students know how they can reach their goals, they build intrinsic motivation.
             When students know how to reach their goals, they build intrinsic motivation.
           ▪ Thinking rationally is the best way to figure out what you should do.
             Thinking rationally is the best way to figure out what to do.

        7. Reported Speech
        İngilizce’de bir kişinin söylediği söz, dolaylı “indirect / reported” veya dolaysız anlatım “direct speech” olarak   Video 11.6
           ▪ “According to the study I have carried out, the use of technology in the classroom can enhance student engagement,”
             Professor Smith said. (Direct Speech)
             Professor Smith said that according to the study he had carried out, the use of technology in the classroom could
             enhance student engagement. (Indirect Speech)
        “Tell”  sözcüğünden  sonra  kesinlikle  sözün  kime  söylendiğinin  belirtilmesi  şarttır.  “Say”  sözcüğünden  hemen  sonra  ise
        genellikle cümle gelir. “Say” kelimesinden sonra zamir kullanılacağı zaman “say + to + pronoun (zamir)” şeklinde sıralanmalıdır.

           ▪ Professor Stan said that certain chemicals in the environment could lead to cancer.
           ▪ Professor Stan said to his students that certain chemicals in the environment could lead to cancer.

           ▪ Doctor Johnson told her supervisor that 80% of his participants preferred product A over product B.

        “Reported Speech” yapısıyla bir konuşmacının söylediği sözler aktarılmaktadır. Bu sözleri aktaran ikinci kişinin kuracağı
        cümlelerde zamir ve zaman ifadeleri gibi bazı noktalarda değişiklikler yapılması gerekebilir ve bu değişiklikler cümlenin
        bağlamında yer alan kişiler dikkate alınarak yapılmalıdır.
                                                SUBJECT PRONOUNS
                                   DIRECT SPEECH                 INDIRECT SPEECH
                                          I                           he / she

                                         You                     I / he / she / we / they
                                         We                             they
           ▪ “We have found that most participants prefer coffee over tea in our study,” said the assistant.
             The assistant said that they had found that most participants preferred coffee over tea in their study.
                                                OBJECT PRONOUNS
                                   DIRECT SPEECH                 INDIRECT SPEECH
                                         me                           him / her
                                         you                   me / him / her / us / them
                                         us                            them
           ▪ “The project we are working on will provide us financial opportunities,” has said the engineer.
             The engineer has said that the project they are working on will provide them financial opportunities.

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