P. 10

THEME 1                            CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Aikido is a martial art that teaches you to defend yourself   Skydiving  is  popular  among  adventure-seekers  who
        without hurting the attacker. In the 1920s, Morihei Ueshiba   want to experience the thrill (6)---- freefalling nowadays.
        (1)---- it in Japan. He combined different techniques from   It involves jumping from an aircraft and freefalling through
        (2)---- martial arts, such as jujitsu and judo. In aikido, you   the  sky.  Participants  (7)----  it  individually  or  in  groups,
        learn  to  use  the  attacker’s  energy  and  movements  to   and they use a parachute to come down slowly and land
        protect yourself. It is not (3)---- fighting back directly, but   safely.  It  requires  (8)----  focus,  courage,  and  training.
        using their own momentum to gain control peacefully.   (9)----,  before  the  first  experience,  they  learn  proper
        Ueshiba (4)---- aikido to be a means for people to find   techniques for exiting the plane, controlling body position,
        harmony  within  themselves  and  with  others.  Briefly,   and  landing  safely.  This  helps  participants  handle  the
        practising  aikido  teaches  a  balance  between  power   (10)----  sensory  experience  and  ensures  a  successful
        and control, (5)---- successful self-defence depends on   jump.  Adventurers  can  have  an  unforgettable  aerial
        mastery of both.                                    adventure.

        1.   A) creates                                     6.   A) alongside
            B) created                                          B) above
            C) has created                                      C) of
            D) will create                                      D) between
            E) was creating                                     E) beneath

        2.   A) another                                     7.   A) have to do
            B) others                                           B) should do
            C) every other                                      C) had better do
            D) other                                            D) must do
            E) the others                                       E) can do

        3.   A) about                                       8.   A) lots of
            B) between                                          B) few
            C) above                                            C) a couple of
            D) besides                                          D) most
            E) alongside                                        E) many

        4.   A) required                                    9.   A) However
            B) prevented                                        B) Or
            C) occupied                                         C) For example
            D) noticed                                          D) So

            E) intended                                         E) Also

        5.   A) nor                                         10.  A) trivial
            B) yet                                              B) intense
            C) for                                              C) beneficial
            D) or                                               D) arbitrary
            E) so                                               E) numerous

   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15