P. 12

THEME 1                     SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  While  organising  a  family  picnic  can  be   23.  Though  ice  skating  is  traditionally  linked  with
            stressful, ----.                                    wintertime, ----.
            A)  it is a great opportunity to spend time with    A)  enthusiasts often prefer outdoor experiences
               loved ones
                                                                B)  its popularity is mainly limited to regions with
            B)  many choose to hire a professional event           colder climates
               planner                                          C)  fans can enjoy the sport in indoor facilities all
            C)  children may complain about feeling bored          year long
            D)  families must purchase expensive equipment      D)  frozen lakes are the most thrilling spots to
            E)  the weather can ruin the whole experience
                                                                E)  beginners of all ages can acquire basic skating

        22.  As many workshops offer affordable options,    24.  ----, but it brings happiness to everyone in the
            ----.                                               end.
            A)  finding low-cost alternatives can be difficult for   A)  Planning a wedding can be challenging
               participants                                     B)  Organisers can charge a high fee for their
            B)  attendees may feel discouraged and                 services
               unconfident                                      C)  Guests are often delighted with the food at the
            C)  one can look for more interesting and cheaper      restaurant
               opportunities                                    D)  Couples cannot arrange an event by
            D)  participants can gain valuable skills without      themselves
               spending much money                              E)  A wedding organisation can become a success
            E)  they make photography and painting classes
               unavailable for members

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