P. 17

READING COMPREHENSION                          THEME 1

          38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Extreme  sports  involve  high  speeds  and  significant   39.  According to the passage, rock climbing differs
        levels  of  risk.  Unlike  traditional  sports,  they  focus  on   from base jumping, as it ----.
        individual  performance  and  test  physical  and  mental
        endurance. Two common sports in this group are rock     A)  is more popular for all ages worldwide
        climbing  and  base  jumping.  The  first  needs  physical   B)  needs less mental strength and skill
        strength,  mental  focus,  and  different  techniques  to   development
        climb steep cliffs. The goal is not just to reach the peak   C)  involves a parachute to reach the peak
        but  to  become  skilled  in  movements.  Climbers  use
        special equipment, like harnesses and climbing shoes.   D)  causes more excitement and adrenaline
        On the other hand, base jumping involves jumping from   E)  requires physical power to practise
        fixed objects, such as cliffs, bridges, or buildings, with
        a  parachute.  Helmets  and  harnesses  are  essential
        for safety, and physical strength is not required. Both
        sports  carry  serious  risks,  but  they  are  extremely
        popular among adrenaline lovers.

        38.  One can understand from the passage that ----.  40.  It is understood from the passage that extreme
                                                                sports ----.
            A)  jumpers use low structures to do base
               jumping                                          A)  are not suitable for people who love taking
            B)  physical strength is essential for every
               extreme sport                                    B)  encourage individual effort more than
                                                                   traditional ones
            C)  base jumping is less risky than rock climbing
                                                                C)  are activities that do not involve any safety
            D)  rock climbing and base jumping have common
               equipment                                           requirements
                                                                D)  only include base jumping and rock climbing
            E)  adventure fans are keen on traditional sports
                                                                E)  are practised without any kind of special

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