P. 21

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                          THEME 1

        47.  Noah:                                          48.  Simon:
            –   Hey Elsie, did you hear that Lily is having     –   Hey, why don’t we go to a theme park this
                a housewarming party on Sunday?                     weekend?
            Elsie:                                              Tina:
            –   Yeah,  I  got  the  invitation    yesterday.  I’m   –   Oh,  that  sounds  like  a  fantastic  idea!  It’s
                excited to see her new place!                       been ages since we went to one.
            Noah:                                               Simon:
            –   ----                                            –   ----
            Elsie:                                              Tina:
            –   Oh, I was going to get the same thing. I        –   That’s perfect! Let’s get everyone together
                guess we have similar tastes in gifts.              and make it a memorable weekend.

            A)  So am I. I’m sure she’s decorated it with lots   A)  It’ll be one of our routines, but I’m already
               of stylish artwork.                                 excited just thinking about it.
            B)  You bought a set of candles for my house,       B)  Great! We can even invite a few more friends
               and I loved them very much!                         to join us for an even better time.
            C)  Me too! I’m thinking of bringing her a potted   C)  We can’t spend the whole day enjoying the
               plant as a present.                                 rides and playing games.
            D)  Actually, I’m not. I’ve already seen her new    D)  I can’t ride roller coasters because I’m afraid of
               flat.                                               them. I’ll just try the Ferris wheel.
            E)  Same here! Are we supposed to buy               E)  Definitely! Theme parks are always
               something for her?                                  overcrowded on weekends.

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