P. 25

SITUATION                             THEME 1

        61.  You finally saved enough to buy a VR gaming    63.  You are happy because you have finally found
            headset. You go to the electronics store and        a wildlife photography workshop. However, you
            are excited to pick one up, but you are unsure      learn that the workshop needs specific camera
            of the different features and models available.     equipment.  You  want  to  make  sure  that  your
            You  decide  to  seek  guidance  and  ask  a        camera meets the requirements. So you ask the
            salesperson: ----                                   workshop organiser: ----
            A)  What’s the most expensive VR headset that is    A)  Does the workshop cover specific techniques
               in stock?                                           for using the camera?
            B)  Do you offer extended guarantees for all your   B)  Why are we required to have a specific model
               products?                                           of camera?
            C)  Is there a minimum age requirement for          C)  Can participants share the camera equipment
               purchasing a VR headset?                            during the workshop?
            D)  Can you tell me the pros and cons of each       D)  What is the camera brand or model that
               headset that you have?                              participants should have?
            E)  Do you have any VR headsets with larger         E)  Is there an age limit to participate in
               displays available?                                 photography classes?

        62.  You  and  your  friend  have  decided  to  try   64.  You  are  looking  for  a  do-it-yourself  (DIY)  kit
            bungee jumping for the first time. As you stand     as  a  surprise  gift  for  your  mother’s  birthday.
            on the platform overlooking the deep canyon         She  does  not  have  much  experience  with  DIY
            below, you can feel the adrenaline and say with     projects, so you want something easy for her to
            happiness: ----                                     handle. You ask the seller: ----
            A)  I’m delighted to accompany you on this          A)  How long does it take to complete a DIY
               challenging climbing adventure.                     project on average?
            B)  Wow, this is really happening! I can’t believe   B)  This is a surprise gift, and I’d love to add a
               we’re about to do this.                             note. Could you add a card to the package?
            C)  I know it’s crazy, but please forgive me. I felt   C)  What is the usual return policy for a kit if a
               scared and cancelled jumping.                       customer finds it too difficult?
            D)  I’m thrilled to see this beautiful scene, but I   D)  Could you recommend a kit that is
               prefer watching it.                                 beginner-friendly and has clear instructions?
            E)  It would be an unforgettable experience if I    E)  Do these DIY kits have an age
               didn’t change my mind.                              recommendation, or can anyone use them?

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