P. 27

PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                          THEME 1

        69.  ----  In  India,  for  instance,  weddings  are  very   71.  Stargazing is the act of observing and enjoying
            big  events  and  usually  last  for  several  days.   the night sky. It is affordable, as it is possible to
            Families  often  perform  traditional  rituals  to   do it with the naked eye. ---- For example, they
            bless  the  couple.  When  people  get  married     can  download  a  stargazing  app  to  learn  more
            in  Japan,  they  often  combine  old  Shinto       about sky objects. Plus, checking the weather
            traditions with new ones. In Mexico, weddings       for  a  clear  sky  and  dressing  suitably  for  the
            often  include  loud  music,  dancing,  and  lots   weather are important. Taking a camping chair
            of food. In some African countries, traditional     to sit comfortably and getting binoculars to see
            tribal ceremonies may be a part of weddings.        the details better are other things to consider.
            A)  Despite these cultural differences, weddings    A)  Engaging in the activity also provides an
               around the world share a common theme.              escape from the stress of everyday life.
            B)  Different countries have different wedding      B)  For a perfect experience, stargazers can make
               ceremonies that represent their cultures.           some preparations before the event.
            C)  During the marriage ceremony, the bride and     C)  The event is also incredibly relaxing because it
               groom will need witnesses for testimony.            connects participants with nature.
            D)  In wedding ceremonies, two people announce      D)  Individuals should get as far away from city
               their love to each other.                           lights as possible to see the stars better.
            E)  Wedding ceremonies bring families and           E)  There are numerous objects to observe in the
               friends together to celebrate the new couple.       sky for fans of this activity.

        70.  Cycling  is  a  popular  outdoor  activity  that  is   72.  ----  Creating  things  on  your  own,  from  home
            done  for  different  purposes.  Whether  it  is    decor to gadgets, is getting very popular. DIY
            going  to  work  or  participating  in  competitive   is  not  just  about  saving  money;  it  is  about
            races, cyclists engage in this activity for many    feeling  accomplished  and  showing  off  your
            reasons. Moreover, cycling requires the right       imagination.  It  lets  people  personalise  their
            gear  and  equipment  to  ensure  safety.  ----     belongings and express their own style. If you
            Selecting the suitable accessories and taking       want a creative and fulfilling way to spend your
            good care of your bike are essential aspects of     time, consider trying out some DIY projects and
            this wonderful experience.                          see what you can make.

            A)  Understanding traffic laws and cycling          A)  Every do-it-yourself (DIY) project requires
               etiquette is important for urban cyclists.          careful planning and effort.
            B)  Helmets, cycling shoes, and padded shorts       B)  Many people today are really into do-it-yourself
               are necessary items for any cyclist.                (DIY) projects.
            C)  Joining a cycling club provides opportunities   C)  Not all do-it-yourself (DIY) projects are equally
               for socialising and skill improvement.              affordable.
            D)  Cyclists must follow safety rules when they     D)  People get better at do-it-yourself (DIY)
               ride on public roads.                               projects with practice.
            E)  Having a high-quality bicycle improves          E)  Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects are great for
               comfort and performance on extended rides.          spending more time with family.

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