P. 29


          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Step  aerobik  gibi  spor  aktivitelerine  katılmak   79.  İnsanlar,  zihin-beden  egzersizlerini  rutinlerine
            egzersizleri daha keyifli hâle getirir.             eklerlerse günlük yaşamlarında dengede olurlar.
            A)  Participating in step aerobics classes allows   A)  Unless people feel balanced, they will not add
               us to exercise more entertainingly.                 mind-body exercises to their routines.
            B)  Activities, such as step aerobics, are more     B)  If people add mind-body exercises to their
               amusing than doing exercises.                       routines, they will be balanced in their daily
            C)  Engaging in sports activities like step aerobics
               makes exercises more enjoyable.                  C)  People will have a balanced life when they
                                                                   practise mind-body exercises in their daily lives.
            D)  Step aerobics, among all activities, is the most
               pleasing way to exercise.                        D)  Due to daily mind-body exercises, people will
            E)  Step aerobics increases participation, as it is    be balanced in their routine lives.
               a very funny exercise.                           E)  People are balanced in their daily lives
                                                                   because they add mind-body exercises to their

        78.  Takım  sporlarında  başarılı  olmak  için  takım   80.  Yayın hizmetleri sayesinde film ve TV hayranları
            çalışması ve işbirliği gereklidir.                  daha fazla seçeneğe sahip oldu.
            A)  The success of team sports depends on           A)  Film and TV fans will be happy because
               teamwork and cooperation.                           streaming services have more choices.
            B)  Cooperation and teamwork are of great           B)  If streaming services do not exist, film and TV
               importance in team sports.                          fans will not have more choices.
            C)  Teamwork and cooperation are the main           C)  Thanks to streaming services, film and TV fans
               requirements for success in team sports.            have had more choices.
            D)  There is no success in team sports without      D)  Film and TV fans have had more choices since
               teamwork and cooperation.                           streaming services started.
            E)  Teamwork and cooperation are necessary to       E)  To have more choices, film and TV lovers
               succeed in team sports.                             should have streaming services.

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