P. 31

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                          THEME 1

        85.  (I) The Olympics are international sporting events,   87.  (I)  In  painting  lessons,  students  learn  different
            and  thousands  of  athletes  compete  in  them.    ways to show their creativity on canvas. (II) They
            (II)  They  are  divided  into  Summer  and  Winter   learn  how  to  mix  colours  and  use  various  brush
            Olympics and are held every four years. (III) The   strokes.  (III)  A  lot  of  painting  schools  teach  them
            International  Olympic  Committee  chooses  the     different  styles  like  realism  and  abstract  art.
            organisation’s  host  city.  (IV)  The  Olympic  torch,   (IV)  Experienced  managers  lead  workshops  and
            as  well  as  the  opening  and  closing  ceremonies,   share  their  knowledge  with  practical  exercises.
            play an essential role. (V) It is also responsible for   (V)  At  painting  schools,  students  also  meet  other
            deciding the sports that will take place in the event.  people who love art as much as they do.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I)  Geocaching  is  a  real-world  outdoor  treasure   88.  (I)  Organising  an  event  involves  careful  planning
            hunting  game.  (II)  Participants  go  to  a  specific   and  coordination.  (II)  First  of  all,  you  need  to
            set  of  coordinates  and  try  to  find  the  hidden   determine the purpose of the event. (III) Then, you
            geocaches. (III) These containers usually have a    should create a budget and timeline to guide your
            logbook  for  participants  to  sign.  (IV)  When  they   preparations. (IV) After that, you need to find a cool
            locate and record their discovery in the logbook,   place and organise the food service and fun stuff.
            they re-hide the geocache so that others can find   (V) Finally, you might consider consulting an event
            it. (V) It can be a great way to explore new areas   management company for a better facility.
            and different landscapes.

                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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