P. 36

THEME 2                      SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  Although coral reefs have high economic and    23.  In order to manage water resources efficiently,
            recreational value, ----.                           ----.
            A)  they are facing threats such as habitat         A)  the government should regulate water use with
               destruction                                        conservation measures
            B)  they are often called the ‘rainforests of the   B)  efforts to reduce pollution may include
               sea’                                               wastewater treatment
            C)  they serve as a centre of activity for marine   C)  it includes drinking water supply, agriculture,
               life                                               and industry
            D)  they protect coastlines from storms and         D)  this involves investing in infrastructure for water
               erosion                                            storage and distribution
            E)  they can be found throughout the world’s        E)  environmental concerns are beyond national
               oceans                                             boundaries

        22.  Because  ecotourism  emphasises  sustainable   24.  Though Kazdağı National Park offers opportunities
            practices, ----.                                    for camping, ----.
            A)  it allows tourists to enjoy nature without any   A)  students are encouraged to participate in hiking
               limitations                                        at school
            B)  it has become a popular choice for              B)  it is significant for various plant and animal
               environmentally conscious travellers               species
            C)  it can unfortunately be damaging if it is not   C)  campers usually have a chance to connect with
               done correctly                                     nature
            D)  it is not always a perfect solution to          D)  it has been a water supply for communities for
               environmental problems                             ages
            E)  it is generally organised by specialised tour   E)  visitors may prefer to stay in nearby hotels for
               operators for small groups                         comfort

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