P. 34

THEME 2                             CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Renewable  energy  sources,  such  as  solar  and  wind   Microplastics  are  tiny  pieces  of  plastic  and  are  found
        power,  (1)----  a  sustainable  alternative  to  fossil  fuels.   everywhere, even a short distance (6)---- the summit of
        These  sources  use  natural  methods  to  generate   Mount Everest. Scientists (7)---- that these microplastics
        electricity (2)---- producing harmful greenhouse gases.   are also inside our bodies, including the lungs, blood, and
        Renewable  energy  is  also  getting  easier  to  access    even brains. They can enter the body in two ways. The
        (3)---- governments are developing policies to encourage   first is by swallowing because they are present in food
        people to use it. Moreover, it has caused the growth of   and water. (8)---- way is through the air that we breathe
        a new sector called ‘green jobs’ and created (4)---- job   both  indoors  and  outdoors.  Sometimes,  plastic  bits
        opportunities. Renewable energy technologies contribute   are (9)---- added to personal care products to improve
        to  green  industry  and  economic  growth  while  they    their effects. (10)---- microplastics’ possible harm to our
        (5)---- the consumption of traditional energy sources.   health is not yet clear, scientists are greatly concerned
                                                            about them.

        1.   A) was offering                                6.   A) of
             B) offered                                         B) about
             C) had offered                                     C) off
             D) offer                                           D) against
             E) will offer                                      E) across

        2.   A) below                                       7.   A) discover
             B) without                                         B) have discovered
             C) besides                                         C) will have discovered
             D) across                                          D) discovered
             E) about                                           E) had discovered

        3.   A) since                                       8.   A) The other
             B) when                                            B) Other
             C) unless                                          C) The others
             D) while                                           D) Others
             E) before                                          E) Every other

        4.   A) a couple of                                 9.   A) accidentally
             B) a large amount of                               B) merely
             C) a number of                                     C) dramatically
             D) a great deal of                                 D) closely
             E) a majority of                                   E) consciously

        5.   A) take away                                   10.  A) As soon as
             B) stem from                                       B) If
             C) put out                                         C) Until
             D) amount to                                       D) As
             E) scale down                                      E) Unless

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