P. 38


         29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        In today’s world, there is a growing consciousness about   30.  It is understood from the passage that green
        the impact of human activities on the environment. In    technology ----.
        response to this awareness, interest in green technology
        and innovation is on the rise. Green technology focuses   A)  suggests using fewer electric cars in the
        on  reducing  harmful  emissions  and  encouraging         future
        sustainable practices. For instance, electric cars emit   B)  is responsible for environmental pollution
        fewer  pollutants  compared  to  traditional  vehicles,  so   C)  does not promise a sustainable future for
        they lead to less polluted air. Furthermore, innovations   people
        in  renewable  energy  sources,  such  as  solar  and
        wind power, can cause massive reductions in carbon       D)  could lead to significant drops in carbon
        emissions. With increased awareness and responsible        emissions
        consumption,  green  technology  offers  promising       E)  focuses on only wind and solar power as
        solutions to combat climate change and build a more        sources
        sustainable future.

        29.  One can infer from the passage that ----.       31.  Which of the following could be the best title
                                                                 for the passage?
            A)  in the past, people were unaware of their
               effects on the environment                        A)  The Use of Solar and Wind Power Abundantly

            B)  environmental problems are a subject in          B)  A Growing Consciousness about Electric Cars
               densely populated areas
                                                                 C)  How to Build a More Sustainable Future
            C)  the mere aim of green technology is to cope      D)  The Strategies to Fight against Climate
               with climate change                                 Change
            D)  the use of wind and solar energy will definitely   E)  The Rise of Green Technology and
               cut carbon emissions soon                           Sustainable Solutions
            E)  traditional vehicles should be preferred for a
               cleaner environment

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