P. 39

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 2

         32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Water conservation and management are essential for   33.  According  to  the  passage,  the  increase  in
        the sustainable use of this vital resource for current and   water need will be ----.
        future generations. Since freshwater is only about 2.5%
        of the Earth’s total water and the majority of that is in   A)  preventable if people practise efficient
        glaciers, it is necessary to take measures immediately to   irrigation methods
        prevent water shortage and drought. Additionally, global   B)  successfully handled at the community level
        water  need  is  expected  to  increase  by  approximately   C)  a problem, especially for future generations
        20–30% by 2050 due to population growth, urbanisation,
        and  climate  change.  This  is  an  urgent  call  for  water   D)  the result of population growth, urbanisation,
        management  practices,  such  as  efficient  irrigation    and climate change
        methods  and  sustainable  farming.  Individual  acts  can   E)  around 20–30% in fifty years’ time
        help  reduce  water  usage  and  contribute  to  overall
        conservation  efforts.  However,  to  successfully  handle
        this problem, strategies should be at the community and
        regional level.

        32.  It is stated in the passage that ----.          34.  The passage is mainly about ----.
            A)  unless people take efficient measures            A)  the necessity of water conservation
               immediately, they will face water shortages       B)  global water crisis
               and droughts
                                                                 C)  the reasons for water shortage
            B)  population growth, urbanisation, and climate
                                                                 D)  the results of water conservation
               change will prevent the increase in water usage
            C)  efficient irrigation methods and sustainable     E)  sustainable freshwater sources
               farming can reduce 70% of water
            D)  individual actions and conscious water usage
               at home are the best conservation efforts
            E)  some regional water shortage problems can
               be handled by local communities

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