P. 44

THEME 2                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

        45.  Matt:                                          46.  Betül:
            –   Hey,  Kate,  I  saw  the  news  about  the      –   Have you heard about the new wind farm
                upcoming  hurricane  season.  Have  you             outside the town?
                checked the emergency kit?                      Jasmine:
            Kate:                                               –   Yeah,  but  I  really  don’t  know  how  much
            –    ----                                               power it can generate.
            Matt:                                               Betül:
            –   All right, I’ll buy some when I go grocery      –   ----
                shopping tomorrow.                              Jasmine:
                                                                –   Awesome!  I  hope  people  invest  more  in
            –   Great! Let’s stay alert to the updates from         renewable energy sources.
                local authorities.
                                                                A)  Actually, they need to consider this before they
            A)  Yeah, and let’s review our evacuation plan         plan wind farms.
               too.                                             B)  I suppose wind farms can be built either on
            B)  Almost everything is OK, but we need extra         land or offshore.
               water and canned food.
                                                                C)  As far as I know, a large wind turbine can
            C)  Absolutely. I’ve made a checklist this             power over 1,400 average homes.
                                                                D)  Denmark provides over 40% of its electricity
            D)  Sure. We should also reinforce the doors and       needs with wind power.
               windows.                                         E)  The first ones were developed over 5,000
            E)  Not yet. I’m planning to restock our supplies,     years ago in Persia and China.
               just in case.

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