P. 46

THEME 2                           RESTATEMENT

         49. - 56. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
         en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

        49.  The prevalence of green technology is among    51.  Today, people are more environmentally
            the results of ecological awareness.                conscious than they were 30 or 40 years ago.

            A)  The only outcome of environmental               A)  Environmental problems have grown in the last
               awareness is the growth of green technology.        30 or 40 years, but people are slow to react.
            B)  The prevalent use of green technology is the    B)  Environmental unawareness is more
               most visible result of ecological awareness.        widespread today than it was 30–40 years ago.
            C)  Green technology is becoming less               C)  Nowadays, people care about the environment
               common despite the increasing ecological            more than they did 30 or 40 years ago.
               consciousness.                                   D)  People are more responsible now, as
            D)  The popularity of green technology is not          environmental problems are 30–40 per cent
               connected to environmental awareness.               worse.
            E)  One of the results of ecological consciousness   E)  Growing consciousness may significantly
               is green technology’s becoming more                 reduce environmental concerns in 30–40
               common.                                             years.

        50.  Protecting  the  life  forms  in  the  oceans  is   52.  Thousands  of  tree  species  are  in  danger  of
            essential for sustaining ecological balance.        extinction because of deforestation.

            A)  It is necessary to safeguard species in the sea   A)  Deforestation puts thousands of tree species at
               to achieve ecological harmony.                      risk of going extinct.
            B)  The conservation of marine life forms is a key   B)  Thousands of tree species do not exist any
               factor in improving ecological stability.           more due to deforestation.
            C)  Ensuring the survival of different oceanic      C)  Deforestation is the only reason for the
               species is vital for the restoration of ecology.    extinction of some tree species.
            D)  The protection of every single organism in the   D)  Several tree species will go extinct soon
               ocean is significant for ecology.                   because of deforestation.
            E)  Conserving marine environments is extremely     E)  Deforestation is the main reason for some tree
               important to ecological continuity.                 species’ going extinct.

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