P. 49

SITUATION                            THEME 2

        61.  You  are  a  volunteer  at  a  local  community   63.  Your  neighbour  is  helping  you  with  your
            garden. People water the trees the old-fashioned    garden. She notices that you have a bin that is
            way,  and  this  can  be  inefficient  and  wasteful,   labelled as ‘compost’ and only has leftover food
            especially in the summer. You have just learnt      and  organic  waste  in  it.  She  is  curious  about
            about a new type of system that uses sensors        the reason for you to have it rather than put the
            and drip irrigation. So you say: ----               waste in the rubbish bin. To explain the reason,
                                                                you say: ----
            A)  We should consider installing the latest
               irrigation system that will help conserve water.  A)  Poor precipitation is a problem for the health of
                                                                   the trees in our garden.
            B)  Let’s forget about the irrigation system and
               focus on planting more flowers instead.          B)  Natural resources are essential for supporting
            C)  I don’t think it’s worth trying a new irrigation   life on Earth.
               system instead of the old-fashioned way.         C)  We save all that waste and add it to our plants’
            D)  It’s not only my responsibility to suggest         soil to make it richer.
               changes to the way we water the trees.           D)  Storing food efficiently can reduce the amount
                                                                   of organic waste.
            E)  You should water the plants more often since
               it’s summer, and they’re probably thirsty.       E)  Our gardener has tested many organic
                                                                   recycling bins to find the best one.

        62.  You are talking with a friend about environmental   64.  You  are  on  a  guided  ecotourism  trip  in  a
            problems.  The  topic  of  discussion  turns  to    rainforest.  Your  group  encounters  a  delicate
            climate change and its effects. She shares her      ecosystem with a special flora. Suddenly, you
            concerns  about  the  rising  number  of  extreme   notice  that  a  tourist  is  attempting  to  pick  up
            weather events. You emphasise the importance        a  rare  flower.  You  want  to  remind  her  gently
            of cooperation and say: ----                        about  the  importance  of  protecting  the  local
                                                                ecosystem and say: ----
            A)  Let’s forget about extreme weather events
               and focus on sustainable energy sources.         A)  Please remember the plants here are fragile,
            B)  What about installing energy-efficient             and our unaware actions can disrupt and harm
               appliances and lighting in our homes?               them.
                                                                B)  What on earth are you doing? I’ll complain
            C)  I recommend reducing your energy
               consumption and lowering your carbon                to the authorities about your disrespectful
               footprint.                                          behaviour.
                                                                C)  Go ahead and take the flower as a memory;
            D)  We should start a local climate action group
               and work with the community.                        it’s just one, and it won’t make much of a
            E)  Why don’t you prefer sustainable
               transportation options like biking or walking?   D)  I’m sorry, but I don’t mind, as it’s not my
                                                                   responsibility to warn people in such situations.
                                                                E)  You should focus on taking photos of that
                                                                   flower so that you can share the experience on
                                                                   social media.

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