P. 51

PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                         THEME 2

        69.  World   Environment   Day   is   a   globally   71.  Using  recycling  bins  is  a  simple  way  for
            coordinated  event  that  raises  awareness         everyone to be a planet protector. The bins have
            about environmental problems and encourages         different colours, and each has a special job to
            action  to  protect  the  planet.  ----  For  example,   help the Earth. The blue bin, for instance, is for
            organisations  run  campaigns  about  ecological    papers and cardboard. When things are put in
            problems, arrange clean-up activities in natural    the right coloured bin, it is like sorting them into
            areas,  and  plant  trees.  These  events  inspire   teams for new forms. ---- They can then more
            individuals  and  governments  to  work  together   easily transform recycled items into fresh and
            towards a more sustainable planet.                  useful products.
            A)  Citizens’ contribution to the environment fund   A)  Such a method adds extra work to the
               amounts to around 15 per cent.                      employees of recycling facilities.

            B)  This provides an opportunity for governments    B)  The average person throws thousands of cans
               to address these challenges.                        away in a lifetime.
            C)  Various activities take place throughout the    C)  It certainly leads to an increase in
               world on this particular day.                       environmental awareness.
            D)  Such institutions play a crucial role in        D)  Different practices are applied when waste is
               developing environmental consciousness.             turned into new products.
            E)  The United Nations Environment Programme        E)  This categorisation also makes the job of
               is the main coordinator.                            recycling centres less difficult.

        70.  The vaquita is the world’s smallest endangered   72.  Sustainable  forestry  and  responsible  logging
            animal.  It  is  found  especially  in  the  northern   practices   are   important   for   conserving
            Gulf  of  California.  ----  Conservation  efforts   biodiversity   and   healthy   ecosystems.
            focus  on  preventing  illegal  fishing  and        ----  Replanting  trees,  minimising  clear-cutting,
            offering  alternative  programmes  for  local       and  protecting  old-growth  forests  are  all
            fishers.  Cooperation  between  governments,        essential  components  of  sustainable  forestry
            conservation agencies, and locals is critical to    practices. With these strategies, we can continue
            rescuing the vaquita from extinction.               to  benefit  from  their  resources  without  causing
                                                                long-term harm to the environment.
            A)  With a population of less than 10, it is critically
               at risk of extinction.                           A)  Some companies may, however, engage in
                                                                   illegal logging activities.
            B)  It requires the protection and restoration of
               their forest habitat.                            B)  This is because deforestation can lead to soil
                                                                   erosion and habitat loss.
            C)  Authorities should take measures against the
               illegal wildlife trade.                          C)  Governmental regulations and policies can
            D)  It means safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity    prevent deforestation.
               for future generations.                          D)  Green forestry projects also have a positive
            E)  Amur leopards are also critically endangered       impact on local communities.
               due to habitat loss.                             E)  We need to manage forests carefully and
                                                                   ensure the regeneration of trees.

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