P. 48

THEME 2                             SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  You are at a monthly community meeting on      59.  As an Eco-Club leader, you want to do a project
            biodiversity conservation. You have seen on the     that  raises  awareness  about  environmental
            Internet that other countries are successful in     problems.  Under  your  guidance,  everyone  is
            solving the problem by organising educational       brainstorming  ideas  for  what  can  be  done.
            programmes.  You  think  that  your  community      However, two students are joking and laughing
            may  benefit  from  such  programmes.  So  you      during the meeting. To warn them politely, you
            say: ----                                           say: ----
            A)  We can take advantage of such kinds of          A)  Great to see that our Eco-Club meeting has
               efforts.                                            become a stand-up comedy show!
            B)  I haven’t heard of any successful attempts to   B)  Looks like there are a lot of great ideas on the
               enrich biodiversity.                                table already. Let’s pick some favourites.
            C)  This is the last thing we can do for future     C)  We’ve already found some great ideas for our
               generations.                                        project, so don’t bother participating.
            D)  Education itself isn’t enough to tackle the     D)  If you can’t give your attention to the project,
               problem.                                            then maybe you shouldn’t be a part of this club.
            E)  Our community will be a good example for        E)  Guys, let’s focus and stay respectful during our
               others.                                             brainstorming. Our project matters.

        58.  You and your friend are volunteering at a local   60.  One of your friends is pouring chemical cleaners
            waste management and recycling centre. You          down the sink while he is cleaning his kitchen.
            are  sorting  through  recyclable  materials  and   You  know  that  such  products  have  serious
            discussing  the  importance  of  recycling  with    effects  on  water  quality  and  aquatic  life.  You
            other volunteers. You say encouragingly: ----       want to express your environmental concerns.
                                                                So you say: ----
            A)  Why don’t we put everything in the dustbin
               and save time?                                   A)  I wouldn’t use that brand of cleaner, as it
                                                                   doesn’t work well on grease.
            B)  I feel very proud that we are making a positive
               impact on the environment.                       B)  Breathing in those chemicals isn’t good for your
            C)  I can’t wait to go home and take a shower          health.
               after working with rubbish.                      C)  Have you thought about these cleaners’ plastic
            D)  Environment is important, but I’m here for the     containers?
               free snacks.                                     D)  Cleaners like that contaminate water and harm
                                                                   animals in it.
            E)  We are wasting our time here. The world
               needs a bigger movement.                         E)  Do you think baking soda and vinegar will
                                                                   remove stubborn stains?

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