P. 47

RESTATEMENT                            THEME 2

        53.  One of the most notable practices to develop   55.  As  biodiversity  loss  has  massive  impacts  on
            sustainable  agriculture  is  the  application  of   ecosystems,  conservation  of  biodiversity  is
            organic farming.                                    urgently needed.
            A)  Organic farming is one of the well-known        A)  The variation in ecosystems is so important
               techniques that develop sustainable                 that we should take urgent action to protect
               agriculture.                                        them.
            B)  The application of organic farming is a special   B)  Biodiversity needs to be conserved right
               practice that helps to improve sustainable          away because its loss has a huge impact on
               agriculture.                                        ecosystems.
            C)  One important thing that can be done for        C)  Although the loss of biodiversity has significant
               healthy farming is to start organic farming.        effects on the environment, it is easily
            D)  The use of organic farming is one of the most      preventable.
               significant methods to encourage sustainable     D)  If we want to fight against the loss of some
               agriculture.                                        species in the environment, we must do it
            E)  Applying organic farming is the only strategy
               of note to support sustainable agriculture.      E)  Protecting the ecosystems requires taking
                                                                   action immediately against the effects on

        54.  Water shortage affects more than 40% of the    56.  One of the solutions to improving air quality is
            global  population,  and  it  is  possible  to  rise   to  encourage  the  use  of  public  transportation
            with climate change.                                instead of driving cars.
            A)  With climate change, water shortage will affect   A)  Encouraging public transportation use over
               no more than 40% of the global population.          driving cars is among the ways to increase the
                                                                   quality of the air.
            B)  Over 40% of the global population has a water
               shortage problem, and it will probably worsen    B)  Among the other solutions, using public
               with climate change.                                transportation is the best way to improve air
            C)  Approximately half of the global population
               experiences water shortages as a result of       C)  Driving cars instead of using public
               climate change.                                     transportation is a solution to increasing air
            D)  40% of the population is expected to face
               problems with water management because of        D)  One of the methods that encourages the use of
               climate change.                                     public transportation is its benefit in improving
                                                                   air quality.
            E)  Nearly half of the population expects a water
               shortage as a result of climate change.          E)  Encouraging the use of public transportation
                                                                   instead of driving cars is another way to
                                                                   increase air quality.

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