P. 45

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 2

        47.  Fay:                                           48.  Alex:
            –   Do you know that it’s almost impossible to      –   ----
                remove plastic waste from the seas?             Jamie:
                                                                –   It’s  a  small  change,  but  it  feels  like  a  big
            –   Really? Why is it so difficult to do that?          step to reduce our environmental impact.
            Fay:                                                Alex:
            –   ----                                            –   Yeah,  and  I  heard  they’re  planning  to
            Paul:                                                   compost the food scraps. It’s cool that our
                                                                    school’s taking action.
            –   Oh, I get it now. It becomes hard to clean
                when they become smaller.                       Jamie:
                                                                –   That’s  awesome.  It’s  about  time  we  used
                                                                    resources more efficiently.
            A)  Because many marine animals eat plastic, as
               they think it is food.
                                                                A)  The school has decided to double the number
            B)  Millions of tonnes of plastic waste move into
               the seas from coastal nations.                      of vending machines.
            C)  The reason for this is that plastics get into our   B)  The board will start to use more electronic
               bodies through our food supply.                     devices to save paper.
            D)  It’s because waves break plastics into tiny     C)  The cafeteria has finally started using
               pieces that spread across the waters.               eco-friendly trays.
                                                                D)  The canteen will serve only fast food from now
            E)  As environmental awareness increases
               globally, plastic waste can go down.                on.
                                                                E)  Our school is printing all assignments on paper
                                                                   to save digital storage.

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