P. 41

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 2

          38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Sustainable  agriculture  plays  a  significant  role  in   39.  One can infer from the passage that sustainable
        contributing  to  a  healthier  and  more  environmentally   agriculture practitioners ----.
        conscious  future.  Unlike  traditional  farming  methods
        that  harm  the  soil  and  depend  on  chemical  inputs,   A)  mostly prefer conventional farming techniques
        sustainable agriculture focuses on long-term ecological   B)  ignore soil health by regularly using chemicals
        balance. Practitioners of sustainable agriculture apply   C)  aim to leave a healthy environment for future
        techniques  such  as  crop  rotation,  agroforestry,  and   generations
        organic  farming  to  protect  soil  fertility  and  increase
        biodiversity.  By  building  a  diverse  ecosystem,  they   D)  are less productive than those who use
        also  improve  productivity  and  reduce  environmental    traditional methods
        impacts. Moreover, sustainable agriculture emphasises   E)  consume large amounts of water for growing
        water  conservation  and  efficient  resource  utilisation.   crops
        This  method  safeguards  the  environment  for  future
        generations, and it ensures that the land continues to
        be healthy and productive for a long time.

        38.  According to the passage, sustainable          40.  What is the passage mainly about?
            agriculture practices ----.
                                                                A)  Differences between traditional farming and
            A)  conserve soil health and support a balanced        sustainable agriculture
               ecosystem                                        B)  The challenges that are faced by farmers
            B)  reduce the variety of plant and animal life     C)  Types of sustainable agricultural practices
            C)  severely destroy ecological balance             D)  Advantages of organic food production
            D)  favour short-term gains over long-term          E)  The importance of sustainable agriculture for
               ecological health                                   the environment
            E)  contribute to soil erosion and the loss of soil

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