P. 50

THEME 2                     PARAGRAPH COMPLETION

         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

        65.  Deforestation is a big problem for our world,   67.  Wildlife  conservation  is  important  for  keeping
            and  planting  more  trees  to  combat  it  is  one   the balance of the ecosystem. It is not just about
            of the solutions. Once we have more forested        protecting  rare  and  endangered  animals.  ----
            areas,  it  is  the  government’s  responsibility   When a species disappears because of habitat
            to  protect  those  areas  from  destruction.       loss or human activity, the consequences can
            Education  about  the  importance  of  forests      be far-reaching and affect everything from plant
            can also help raise awareness among people.         growth to water quality. By protecting wildlife,
            Furthermore, illegal logging should be strongly     we ensure a healthy and balanced environment
            discouraged through penalties. ----                 for all living beings.
            A)  In fact, there are not many options to fight    A)  Animals can survive in their native habitats by
               deforestation.                                      protecting their ecosystems.
            B)  However, we should keep our hope alive for      B)  Every creature, from insects to predators, plays
               our planet’s future.                                a vital role in the ecosystem.
            C)  In short, humanity is doing its best to solve   C)  Conservation efforts fight extinctions and
               global problems.                                    improve ecological stability.
            D)  Ultimately, we can protect our forests for      D)  Its goal is to save animals and teach people
               future generations together.                        about sustainable living with other species.
            E)  Unfortunately, we have not achieved as much     E)  Deforestation, pollution, and climate change
               as we hoped for.                                    threaten habitats and cause extinctions.

        66.  Renewable  energy  sources  have  become       68.  ---- When most of us are sleeping, they are out
            important  in  today’s  world  due  to  their       looking for food, playing, or hunting. They have
            sustainability. Solar power, wind energy, and       special features that help them see, hear, and
            hydroelectric  energy  are  among  the  most        move in the dark. For instance, owls have big
            commonly  used  renewable  energy  sources.         eyes that allow them to see better at night, and
            ---- When fossil fuels are burned, they release     bats use sound waves to find their way around.
            greenhouse  gases  that  warm  the  planet.         This night-time activity enables them to stay
            Renewable energy sources, on the other hand,        safe  from  predators  and  find  their  food  more
            produce little to no harmful emissions.             easily.

            A)  Governments and businesses are increasingly     A)  Squirrels are diurnal; they are typically active
               investing in renewable energy infrastructure.       during the day and rest at night.
            B)  Wind power uses the kinetic energy of the       B)  Animals that hibernate go into a deep sleep
               wind to generate electricity.                       during the winter months.
            C)  The transition to renewable energy is           C)  A bat often takes advantage of the darkness to
               essential for achieving energy security.            find its food.

            D)  Tidal energy captures the energy from ocean     D)  Nocturnal animals are creatures that are awake
               tides to provide predictable power.                 and active during the night.
            E)  These sources of energy do not produce          E)  Herbivores mostly consume plants as their
               harmful emissions like fossil fuels.                main source of food.

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