P. 53


          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Bitkiler  de  albino  olabilir,  ancak  fotosentez   79.  Millî parklar, nadir yaşam alanlarındaki yaban
            yapmak  için  klorofilleri  olmadığından  uzun      hayatı  ile  insanlar  arasındaki  etkileşimi
            yaşamazlar.                                         güçlendirir.

            A)  Albino plants do not live long since they       A)  National parks’ rare habitats give strength to
               cannot photosynthesise due to lack of               the interaction between wildlife and humans.
               chlorophyll.                                     B)  The interaction between wildlife and people
            B)  To live long, some plants need chlorophyll to      is made stronger in rare habitats of national
               photosynthesise, but albinos do not have it.        parks.
            C)  Albinos can also be plants, but they live longer   C)  Human-wildlife interaction is strengthened in
               because they do not have to photosynthesise.        rare habitats and national parks.
            D)  Plants are also albinos, and they have          D)  National parks reinforce the interaction
               chlorophyll to photosynthesise and live long.       between wildlife in rare habitats and people.
            E)  Plants can also be albinos, but they do not     E)  In national parks, wildlife-human interaction in
               live long since they do not have chlorophyll to     rare habitats becomes stronger.

        78.  Haşere ilacı kullanımı ve yaşam alanı tahribatı   80.  Farkındalık  projeleri  sayesinde  insanlar  su
            sonucu  kelebek  nüfusunda  önemli  düşüşler        kaynaklarının önemi hakkında daha bilinçli hâle
            yaşanıyor.                                          gelmektedir.

            A)  Due to the significant use of pesticides and    A)  People’s understanding of the significance of
               habitat destruction, butterfly populations are      water resources is growing due to awareness
               declining.                                          campaigns.
            B)  Because of pesticides and habitat destruction,   B)  People are becoming aware of the value of
               butterfly populations are experiencing a major      water resources as a result of awareness
               decrease.                                           projects.
            C)  Due to the use of pesticides and significant    C)  Thanks to awareness projects, people are
               habitat loss, butterfly populations are coming      becoming more conscious of the importance of
               down.                                               water resources.
            D)  Thanks to the importance of butterfly           D)  Awareness projects make people slightly more
               populations, pesticide use and habitat loss are     conscious of water resources’ importance.
               falling.                                         E)  The contribution of awareness projects is
            E)  As a result of pesticide use and habitat           important in raising people’s consciousness of
               destruction, there are significant declines in      water resources.
               butterfly populations.

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